Hello. The Discover Your Bible series from Global Coffee Break is a great resource for small groups. It is used and trusted by many groups in the CRC and around the world. It is made to be used from young adults to adult groups. When you visit our website you can also find some of the materials are free to download and all of the studies have a free sample so you can see what they are like. You can check it out at https://globalcoffeebreak.org/
Hello, our ministry, Global Coffee Break, specializes in the training of small groups leaders. We also write and publish small group curriculum called Discover Your Bible that help people get into the Bible for discipleship and outreach. We have our books available on our website and under the events tab we have a link for more information on our training. Our website: globalcoffeebreak.org. Please feel free to contact me for more questions. Juan Sierra, Program Manager for Global Coffee Break at [email protected].
These studies are still being sold by Faith Alive on their website. Some of them are digital only and some are still in print. Here is the link: https://www.faithaliveresources.org/Products/CategoryCenter/ADDL/Discover-Life-Bible-Studies.aspx
Posted in: Bible Study Materials for Adult Groups?
Hello. The Discover Your Bible series from Global Coffee Break is a great resource for small groups. It is used and trusted by many groups in the CRC and around the world. It is made to be used from young adults to adult groups. When you visit our website you can also find some of the materials are free to download and all of the studies have a free sample so you can see what they are like. You can check it out at https://globalcoffeebreak.org/
Posted in: Small Group Leadership Resources?
Hello, our ministry, Global Coffee Break, specializes in the training of small groups leaders. We also write and publish small group curriculum called Discover Your Bible that help people get into the Bible for discipleship and outreach. We have our books available on our website and under the events tab we have a link for more information on our training. Our website: globalcoffeebreak.org. Please feel free to contact me for more questions. Juan Sierra, Program Manager for Global Coffee Break at [email protected].
Posted in: Discovery Life Studies?
Hello Lindow,
I am not certain but I will with Faith Alive to see what we can do.
Posted in: Discovery Life Studies?
Hello Lindow,
These studies are still being sold by Faith Alive on their website. Some of them are digital only and some are still in print. Here is the link: https://www.faithaliveresources.org/Products/CategoryCenter/ADDL/Discover-Life-Bible-Studies.aspx