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Hi, looked on Google about worship via Zoom (yes, if you're a techie it's quite important to Worship using Zoom, rather than worshipping the tech, bit like when Jesus asked  Peter if he loved Him more than his fish)
There are really useful hints in there. Our church in North London UK, draws its members from no  more than 10 miles away. Using a small worship group (about 6), all virtually, how well could Zoom based worship work? We are not musical professionals, just using talents we have got.
Up to now the online method of service was, before more strict lockdown, 2 singers, one with guitar, live streamed from the church venue with OBS to Yotube, followed by a live speaker. Tech guy at the back in the church venue.

Then, when it became more strict, the worship (elder husband and wife with piano and chello) prerecorded from home, reading of Prayer for Israel and the preaching by another guy, was also prerecorded then collated and turned into streamable video with overlaid lyrics for the songs.

So I was thinking of initially just the worship group coming into Zoom, that being streamed together with following preaching using OBS to the wider congregation. At a later stage perhaps having more Zoom participants to facilitate some public praying and perhaps words from Lord (prophecies). I suspect speech is easier, as it doesn't rely on timing (well, that can be an issue even if there is no virtual inbetween :-).

So, 6guys sing-worshipping via Zoom is the bit I would like to know if, or how awful it is. internet speed at church is about 30Mbits upload, 150Mbits download.

We had a phone based conference call prayer meeting using and 7 participants and that sounded quite reasonable and I am wondering if Zoom would be comparable, especially if I can reduce the resoluyion of Zoom video and sound down to an acceptable level, so preserving bandwidth and avoiding lag.

Thanks very much for your help,
I'd appreciate if you could copy me in on my email:
[email protected]
God bless, keep well, inspired innovative, encouraged

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