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I am so touched and impressed with your story! It seems with the power of main stream news that all we hear is the voice of Women's Rights! When I think of the millions and millions of unborn children we have willingly murdered  out of selfishness I am sickened. Just last night on the evening news, the pictures were shown of all the little flags, rippling in the breeze, at the cemeteries of our dead soldiers.

I can't help but wonder what that kind of reality check would look like if we had a "Memorial Day" for all the lost babies and put grave markers side by side for as far as the numbers would take them. Most people don't have a clue that it's far more than all the dead soldiers from all the wars we been involved in to date!

I've gone on long enough. Let me just applaud both you and your wife for making the Godly decision you do. Just gazing at the picture your little girl exudes love!




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