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Thank you CRCNA for speaking on this topic. It is of the uttermost importance that the racism that the black community has experienced be heard and felt by the church.

The resources listed below are amazing as well! I'm so proud to be a member of this denomination!


The most frustrating thing about all that you're saying is that it ignores the 40 million afro americans who are pleading with their white counterparts to just believe us.

Systematic racism is simply racism through systems. It is also know as institutional racism. With Jim Crow less than 2 generations ago, with Brown v. Board less than 2 generations ago, with Rodney King less than 1 generation ago, are you telling me that you need more evidence that American has systematically hindered the plight of black people? These systems were out in place to stunt the growth of an oppressed people and they worked.

You want policies? Sure I'll give you policies. Gerrymandering. Redlining. Stop and Frisk. Restricting Housing Contracts. The accessibility of health care/insurance. Disparity in criminals sentencing. Lack of representation in head coaches and decision makers in many professional sports. The Wealth Gap. 

To be honest, it is incredibly demeaning as a black man to have to "prove" injustices to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Out of all the people, you should be the ones standing along side of us.

You need to take a step back, before you criticize the protests and the riots and ask: what is the point? Why are we so upset? I think most people in America would agree that the police need better training. I think most people in America believe that when police make mistakes, such as sister Breonna, they need to be held accountable for it. Instead of blaming the vicitum, try to look at the system of how and why it even came to that moment.

Last point, and then I'm done. You cited the Washington Post article. However you failed to mention that black people are killed at a rate of 31 per million which is 8 (per million) more than Latinos/Hispanics and more than double than whites (12 per million). When you cite numbers, please provide context and not just raw data.

I'm saddened and hurt as a black man that you feel like it is "virtue signaling." But I will continue to be a member of this denomination with pride for denouncing racism in all its forms.

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