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To reach a Muslim. First study all you can about Islam. Know your Muslim friend very well. Is he/she From a Sunni or shi background or something else. Let them talk a lot and be sure to answer their questions.

Secondly learn a lot about what is in the Qur'an, especially where it does not contradict the Bible. It agrees there is just one God. Yes, you say"and in Isaiah 46:9,10- God says He is the Only god and that He alone knows the end from the beginning..." The Muslim agrees, God alone tells the future through His prophets. Now you work together to show how this is true: Passover...check!  Virgin will give birth... check! In Bethlehem....check! and more still. We do not jump into Isaiah 53 ... not yet! But we establish common ground.

Thirdly. God is the greatest (Allahou akbar) The Qur'an says He bends over His word to guarantee that no man can change it. Ten times the Qur'an repeats that nobody can change His word. It even says that the Qur'an was given to CONFIRM the previous scriptures. (musaddiqan - confirm) this confirmation is repeated 8 times. So maybe your Muslim friend will agree to read the Bible ... Here's hoping, but you will have to work on this one.

Good Luck and God bless!


First you get them to read the bible. You show them the 5 suras where it says the Qur'an was given to confirm (musaddiqan) the previous scriptures- in the 7th century. Also point out that it is repeated again and again that no body can change the words of God as He watches over them.  The Qur'an even confirms the virgin birth... "We breathed into her (Miriam) of our Spirit.

So the teaching in Islam that the words of god have been changed contradicts the Qur'an.

If a Muslim will read Isaiah 7, 9 and 53 he will be impressed. It is in the Hebrew scripture. The child born of the virgin, ibn Miriam, will be called Emmanuel... just like in Arabic ... the with us God... Isaiah 7:12


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