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It is disheartening that we are so afraid of homosexuality in the church.  I find that many of these articles are one sided. The fact of the matter is that many people who are homosexual do not choose this lifestyle/identity.  By calling it part of the the sexual revolution is extremely misguided.  People coming out and saying they are homosexual is them saying that that is part of their life and it is part of who they are.  They do not come upon this decision lightly.  Using polygamy is a horrible comparison.   The church often chooses ministries that they are comfortable with.  The church has no problem setting up ministries for people who have committed crimes and have been imprisoned. Because it is a lot easier to point out what they did was wrong and that they hurt people.  (Don’t get me wrong these ministries are essential.)

People who are homosexual are often afraid to come into a church because the know that they are going to be judged and don’t want to hurt people.  Young people struggle hiding this part of their life because they know that they can’t be accepted into the community that they grew up in. People who try to change the way they are often have higher rates of depression and can become suicidal.  I have people in my circles who want nothing to with the church because they know they are not going to be accepted.  

How many people that support this article have people in their circles who are homosexual and can truthfully say that they have been truly welcomed as children of God into the Church?

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