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Hello Heidi,

That your shouting encouraged others to join you IMHO shows that your had become a fountainhead for the Holy Spirit to flow through you to others around you. I have read that Martin Luther sometimes planted the choir members in different spots in the congregation so that when they broke through into actual worship those around them would be affected by the presence of the Holy Spirit close to them. It is natural for a believer to enter worship when confronted with the realized presence of GOD. It is the human spirit reacting to GODs Spirit and usually not contained to that individual person - those around will sense it in their spirit and either join the worship or run from HIM.

Please bare with me as my compositional skills are lacking.

For the most part the disciples wrote their gospel accounts from personal experience - first hand accounts. This is what I now write.

My wife and I were saved in Oct 1972. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit about 2 weeks later confirmed with speaking in tongues. Now onto the church service pattern.

The body gathered twice on sunday and again on wed. There was a prayer room just off the sanctuary and several gathered to pray prior to the service. These prayers were mostly to break through into what is better called spiritual worship rather than high praise. Scripture reference Hebrews 12  22-24 which shows the saints that have passed on seeing the Father and giving worship because they actually see HIM. "'to the spirits of just men made perfect." I think this is the place that has been called 'high praise' but is actually spiritual worship.

We would sing fairly short songs mostly scripture with usually a 2 to 3 repeat. Then the congregation would move into individual / corporate worship. This would last maybe 2 to 5 minutes. The manifest presence of GOD was usually very heavy. Some shouting, some clapping hands, some tamborines. Then followed a silence of several minutes as we waited before the Lord waiting to see if He would speak to us through prophecy. At that time prophecy did not mead foretelling the future but "for exhortation edification or comfort." (scripture quote escapes me at the moment). The entire praise/worship period was led my the Holy Spirit. We sang what He led us to sing and quit when He led us to. Sometimes there were 'words of knowledge' and/or  words of wisdom' 

We had only a piano and organ as instruments.We also had only one person at the pulpit to maintain order. Very little stuff on stage which are actually distractions to entering into spiritual worship.

There seems to be a place in worship were our worship here on earth mixes with the worship of the saints in heaven and a very strong flow of the Holy Spirit happens. They worship because they can see whom they worship while we worship in faith.

When leaving the church I carried that manifest presence with me and it lasted several days. We went back on wed night for a fresh filling. That presence seems to have a liquid attribute that sort of fades - at least for me.

Living at this level will bring spiritual opposition. Our enemy hates this level of danger to what he calls his. So if you seek to go to this level - be ready for pushback. Also be comforted that as Jesus told the woman at the well "The Father seeks those that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth.' We will have protection from the Father as we travel this road. Perhaps a comparison of an armed navy seal versus a boy scout with a pocket knife is good. 

To the best of my ability I'll answer and questions.


David Womack

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