Kenneth Wallace
Dr. Kenny Wallace, Aboha ‘a Chihowa, is an African American Choctaw Pawnee from the United States living in Canada. He holds a doctorate in Worship Studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies with a focus on Christian contextualization of Indigenous worship. He teaches nationally and internationally about multi-ethnic worship with his organization Kingdom Reflections Multi-Ethnic Worship Ministries. He is a hoop dancer in the Way of Jesus both at powwows and for Blanket Exercises hosted by Kairos Canada, avid bead worker, and musician. He is ...
Posted in: How Should the Church Respond to the Tents That Line Our Urban Streets?
Sparrow, you are awesome. As I was discussing this article with my student, the gravity of people asking the wrong question hit me. How long do we have to remind people that we are people, image bearers, all of us? My prayer is that this article helps my student, a future leader in one way or another, to remember to place his hand over his heart before he asks what he should "do." Blessings on you!