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Church Order and Its Supplements 2020 Article 45 states: "Synod is the assembly representing the churches of all the classes. Each classis shall delegate one minister, one elder, one deacon, and one other officebearer to synod."


Article 45 states what *synod* represents. "Synod is the assembly representing the churches." Article 45 is silent with regard to whether delegates "represent" the churches in their classes. 


Article 34 states, "The major assemblies are composed of officebearers who are delegated by their constituent minor assemblies. The minor assemblies shall provide their delegates with proper credentials which authorize them to deliberate and vote on matters brought before the major assemblies..." Like Article 45, Article 34 does not state "that delegates to Synod 'represent' the churches in their [sic] Classis." Rather, it notes that properly credentialed delegates from a minor assembly will be authorized to deliberate and vote on matters brought before the major assembly, such as synod. Contrary to the concept of a delegate being required to deliver a vote on the position of his/her church or classis, Article 34 appears to require minor assemblies to grant individual delegates the license and authority to deliberate and vote, of their own accord, regarding matters brought before major assemblies, such as synod. Indeed, Article 34 helps create the deliberative body Nick describes.


Searching 2020 Church Order, I found 25 instances of the word "represent" or a variation thereof, e.g., represents, representing, etc.  I'm unable to find anything that states that delegates “represent.” It would be helpful, Dan, if you would provide the citation you "read, word for word, from our Church Order" that "literally states that delegates to Synod 'represent' the churches in their [sic] Classis."

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