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Hi Staci. Thank you for this timely blog post! That's THE question: How are things going with church? 
My question do we ask this question to our congregation? Surveys by email seem to gather maybe 30% return. I'd love to know how you recommend a church do this?
I don't think there's ever been a time that our church has been so fractured. And we truly do need to get our members to respond honestly to the executive about that question.  But how? 

 Just some context for you: My church is in a state of flux right now: a double whammy. We're dealing with post-pandemic issues (lower attendance, members who left, hurt feelings over vaccination/masks) and just recently our much loved pastor of 30 years had to step down due to a terminal health issues, so our second pastor of 10 years now has everything abruptly put on his shoulders. It's a lot to bear.  There's no doubt that some in our congregation like the older pastor more and are having a hard time accepting the leadership of our younger pastor. There's tension in church. There's members not wanting to stick around. I feel like we as a church in need of an intervention! I'm just a younger member but my heart is feeling heavy with what I see happening and I want to help my church someway, somehow. 

Thank you for any ideas you can provide. God Bless. 

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