Sandra Pronteau
Greetings fellow church members!
My name is Sandra Pronteau and I originated from Manitoba, Canada. I am a Cree- Metis and I was born with my disabilities since birth with varies type due to the water/land contamination of mercury due to a mining nearby in Northern MB. God has gifted me with four children as they're now all adults and blessed to be a Grandmother of one so far. I'm currently employed with Union Gospel Mission for over 8 years as a Recovery Care Worker within the Women and Families facility. I've always had an interest in being more involved within the Disabilities' movement on many levels. I'm a huge advocate for accessibilities and to ensure church are inclusive friendly and welcoming to all bodies. I would love to be apart of this group and I'm keen about meeting PwD as well. I'm wish to be apart of the group as I believe we must have actual Disability Body Reps for the churches and to expand out into the mainstream society without feeling any barriers that hinders so many to attend church within their communities.
I hope to hear back from you as I would love to get involved when possible.
Thank-you for your time; God Bless you all.