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Thanks for replying. We've seen the video (helpful) and gone through the suggested readings and checks, but there is no mention of what (if anything) we need to do once we think we are compliant. I've also read through ONCA and found nothing about reporting or demonstrating compliance. Do we need to tell someone or update something somewhere? What did your group do once you had updated your documents?

Thanks for that link, I hadn't seen that article and will take a good look. We do know about filing bylaw changes with the CRA. We also know about having to submit changes to our articles of incorporation, but we do not have any of those. Of course, we would prefer to avoid going to a lawyer, but if we feel we must, then we will do so, if only to be sure. However that is not usually needed for simple bylaw changes. 

Basically we are just updating our bylaws from a decade ago. And then we are adding a few bits from the CRC "standard bylaw" that were missing from our old bylaws. From all these responses so far it looks like we are in reasonable shape and there are no further steps we need to take than those we already know about.

Thank you for all your responses to my query.

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