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My church takes a mentoring approach for profession of faith. For middle school we use the I Believe student and mentor guides, and that works well. I've also used Quest of Faith with high school youth--I like its conversational tone.   

Faith Alive is coming out with a new curriculum called Dwell that is in the field testing stages right now. It will bend will be released this spring, in time for the next Sunday school season. If you subscribe to Faith Alive News you'll see updates in the monthly e-newsletter that introduces to new resources. Soon you'll hear about preview parties that will be happening around North America beginning in February to launch Dwell. The website, should also go live in February with details and samples of the curriculum.

Jolanda Howe on March 4, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

We just talked with our pastor about making that happen! Do you have a pattern in place so that you're sure to include people of various ages throughout the month, or does it depend on the month? I remember as a child going to a Catholic Mass where another child read scripture. It was like an instant connection. I wanted to go back there for worship because there seemed to be a place for me! Something seemingly small can have a bit impact . . . The worship team at my church does include teens and preteens--I'm so glad! We also have junior deacons who participate in the offering and prayer.

Do you use any type of worship outline/folder? I want to provide something that will help the older elementary and middle schoolers track with the sermon and engage more fully in other elements of worship, but I'm still looking for a good way to do that.

Hi Loreen,

The Walk With Me curriculum includes four Easter books that provide two sessions of Sunday school material and also include everything you need to put on an Easter program (including drama). You may want to check them out. Here is the link. You should see a button to push to read a sample.



I've been there too, Nick! One thing I find encouraging is to hang photos of all the kids that attend my class. I just used the little camera in my phone to take pictures of the kids. Whenever someone new arrives I snap their photo too. I print the photos out and cut them into a little circle just framing the child's face, and I stick it to the palm of a traced-hand cut out. Then I stick the new hands on the wall each week. Even on weeks when our group is small we can look on the wall and see all the kids that have been a part of our group throughout the last year. It's encouraging! And when the kids do come back they feel more like they belong because there photo is there with everyone elses. I don't list the kids names with their photos, even so, I think the photos have helped me remember kids names.

If you're wondering why we attach the photos to hands, that's something we started when we were using the Hand in Hand curriculum on Embracing Diversity. I cut out hands in a variety of hands in various colors to represent some of the diversity in God's kingdom. I tape the kid's and leaders photos to them in a random way so that the hands don't reflect the skin tones of the people in the photos--Instead they are there to reminder us that God make us alike and different in many ways and that we are all welcome in God's kingdom and in our class.

You could easily think of another way to display kid's photos in your class, if it was something your teachers would like to try.

Jolanda Howe on April 8, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

It does really come down to who is available, doesn't it : ) I'd like to start creating a list like yours soon so that more people (especially kids) can be involved.

I'll need to get back to you on the junior deacon question. I know that the pastor mentors them, but I'm not sure how they are chosen, or what type of schedule and responsibilities they have. I'll let you know when I find out.

Have you visited the Kid's Corner website from Back to God Ministries International? It's a wonderful kid's website that is part of their English global media ministry. Kids can listen to radio programing, meeting the characters, and download activities and puzzels. It would be a great addition to your online library. Here's the link:

My son was baptized on Sunday. It reminded me again that we belong before we believe! I agree that we get that backwards too often. While preaching on the great commission (which he called the ordinary commission, because it applies to all of us) a pastor recently asked, "who do you know that needs community?" What if the church really was a place where people found a sense of belonging? Would there be more belief? 

Posted in: On Writing Songs

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