Karl Westerhof
What interests me: Books, babies, dogs,books, North Woods cabins, Liz my wife and Joe my son, organizational change, books, conflict management, community development, communication, discipleship, leadership, books... and did I mention that I love to read?
I've always loved Jesus, but in recent years that love has become so much more central in my life. Willard, Foster, Peterson, Chan and Wright, and the like have taken their places on my shelves along with Drucker, Collins, Heifetz, and Buckingham... I'm on the journey of learning how spiritual transformation happens in my life, and how I can become more like Jesus, my Savior, Teacher, Lord, and Friend.
I worked for the CRC in one way and another since the late 60s, and much of that experience was strongly shaped by being a child of the 60s. Race relations, justice, development, and social change were abiding interests. And the North Woods of Michigan.
Most recently I've been with World Renew (formerly CRWRC), the denomination's relief and community development agency. Our family lived in the Philippines while I worked as Asia Regional Director, and later I was Program team leader, coach to team leaders, and leader of the Advancement team. In semi retirement I'm working as coach for classis renewal in the CRC, and as outreach pastor for Grace CRC.
Posted in: How can a church make changes to structure while staying within the church order guidelines?
I've always been curious as to why minutes should include the names of movers and seconders of motions. Got any thoughts on that? Is it about accountability? Thanks.
Posted in: How can a church make changes to structure while staying within the church order guidelines?
John, that's a pretty good set of guidelines! Thanks for it. It reminds me of the old wisdom that a decision is not really made unless it is accompanied by a WHO and a WHEN. Clerks and secretaries can often be helpful to the process by asking the mover (or the group) to include those pieces in a decision so they can be on the record. What do you think about that?
Posted in: How does a church run a healing prayer ministry?
Thank you brothers! This exchange blessed me, taught me, challenged me... I loved hearing your stories, and I love the prayer ministry you describe! I think the general idea of "intercession" may be a less threatening term than "healing" for some.... and I certainly the appreciate the cautionary approach you suggest with the words slowly, carefully, prayerfully. And now I want to hear some more about how you actually got started. What steps, what process, how did you talk about your purpose, how did you deal with concerns or resistance, if any? If I wanted to get something like this started at my church, what advice do you have for me? Thanks! and thanks so much for sharing your stories!
Posted in: What has been your experience with Article 17 A?
George, my only experience with Art 17 was in a very difficult situation in a church where I was a (lay) member; I think your question is excellent. I want to encourage us to have a good dialog in response.
I have a strong hunch that Pete is onto something very important in these lines: we do not know how to have open, honest, loving, direct-feedback conversations about how ministry is going" and "when things don't go as hoped or expected, we resort to some of our most un-Christlike behaviours."
I have that hunch based on four decades of working for denominational agencies, and seven decades of membership in the CRC. We are just not good at dealing with our passionately held differences, and that's a shame. Art 17 is a tool that's available to us to help in extreme situations (as well as to help people who are going back to school etc).
I wonder if Pete's quote can be taken to say that all too often there is brokenness that remains unhealed.
Posted in: Leading in an Age of Distraction
Thanks, Mark, this is good stuff. thanks especially for the book suggestions, and the Simone Weil link!
Posted in: A Post-Christmas Advent Reflection
Preach it, Bonnie! This is Gospel.
Posted in: Classis Renewal - The Momentum Builds
Yes, this is certainly a direction to consider. I'm actually not even sure we need to "vest more authority", at least not for starters. I'm wondering whether better informed and better trained classis leaders would discover they already have enough authority. Part of the problem is that most of us don't have a deep understanding of how to use the church order to best effect. And to use it more proactively! Really confident and competent church visitors can intervene more supportively and earlier.... and councils need to be willing to receive loving skillful help rather than stonewall out of fear.
Posted in: Classis Renewal - The Momentum Builds
Yes, one usually does erode the other, as you say. At this point I'm reporting on Paas' article, not espousing anything. But I'm convinced we do need to revisit this polarity, and have some dialog about it. You'd be surprised how many stories we (Better Together Team) heard about conflicts in congregations that dragged on and on, with no resolution, because there was no clear decision-making process/ person. And the word "bishop" would often be spoken! We all know that when we talk about bishops, we're mostly joking, just to point out the relief there would be in having a "decider" when things get tough. I very much doubt that anyone in the CRC is really willing to go very far in this direction. And yet.... our communal decision making, especially in crisis times, is often clunky and inept, not to mention slow. At the very least I would want to argue for increasing our organizational competency at corporate decision making, as well as building the skill of leaders to work with that model.
Posted in: Lament as an Act of Worship
If ever the CRC needed to be thinking carefully and penitently about race relations, it's now. The anger is growing in our society and our neighbors need to hear from God's people who have been given the ministry of reconciliation. Our very diversity in the kinds of diversity we experience may get in our way by blurring issues. The raging anger and the tearing pain of our cities demands the power of the cross to address it. May God equip our leaders to be insightful, courageous, persistent, and gracious in leading us to address the violence on the road to Jericho. Al and Denise, thanks for your voices. Don't stop.
Posted in: Best Classis Ever
Hey, thanks, Carl! This is encouraging AND fun to read!
Posted in: Big News!
Hey, Sam, this looks really good. Go you! You've got a good thing going and I like it that you are keeping it fresh. Keep your faithful followers posted on developments! Thanks for your work on this.
Posted in: What Do Deacons Need?
I've been a deacon for a couple of years now. The deep longing of my heart (and not only for deacons' meetings!) is for meetings that energize me and give me satisfaction. Sometimes this happens! It's gotta be well-planned, with good prep. The chair needs to have thought it through ahead of time. Important discussions need to be framed helpfully, and minor things not allowed to suck up our time. We need to produce well-discussed and thoughtful and clear decisions on important topics. Specific tasks or assignments that are important but straightforward can be handled by one or two, then reported on succinctly, or only in writing. Enjoying being with fellow deacons makes it really good. This means some humor, some prayer, some Bible study. Fellowship time is clearly defined and then efficient work proceeds crisply and smartly. And the meeting does not drag - ever. And it's over - promptly, timely, respectfully.