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Hi Colin, 

The Discover Your Bible series is a great tool for small groups to discover together what the Bible says and means. The series originated for use in Coffee Break. Today, the Discover Your Bible series is going global and being translated into many languages.  

Discover Your Bible is an inductive style study. The skeleton of questions in the study guide serve to help group participants observe and interpret what the text says in order to lead to good application. The leader's guide equips the leader with extra questions to build the conversation about the text and offers leadership tips. We have several tools to support leaders as they lead Bible discovery. Here's a link to Leading Bible Discovery. There are also webinars on the Coffee Break Network page. 

The purpose of Bible discovery is to equip people to read and discover for themselves and to build a conversation around the text. As people dig together into God's word, the Holy Spirit speaks. This simple method works for people new ot the Bible or experienced Christians. In other words, the Word does the work of evangelism and discipleship.   

 Hi Reese,

I have some small group coordinator job descriptions. However, they are very specific to the congregations. In coaching small group ministry coordinators, I have found the garden illustration to be very helpful. Like a gardener, small group coordinators need to provide continuing vision, care and support for the leaders and groups.  I use the following roles and questions as an outline for coaching small group disicplehsip leaders.

Roles in cultivating an enviroment for growth:

Picture – Who is God calling us to be?

Plan – How will we follow God’s leading in our context? What will our garden of small groups look like?

Prepare – How will we prepare our leaders and congregation for growing people through small groups?

Planting – How and when will we start? stop? What is our growing season? What are the lifecycles of our groups?

Protect and Problem solve – How will we care for leaders and groups?

Pruning – How will we develop leaders and groups for the future?

Propagate - How will we multiply groups and leaders?

Pause and Pray – How will we cooperate with God’s leading?

I'm going to be writing more about each of these roles over the next several weeks. If you would like a sample job description, let me know.

Sam Huizenga

[email protected]

Great idea! 

Another church paired younger people with seniors to write their stories. Each month they discussed a different decade. Someone researched the big events, politics and music of the decade to prime the pump. After the short presentation the senior answered some interview questions. They ended with an event where the stories were presented to families. 

Keep the ideas coming!

Thanks Michael. I agree with your view point on his theology. I was waiting for someone to bring that up!

I did think his description and perception of North American culture was insightful. So, in what ways is the western church bringing Christ's love to all people? I wonder if the missional community movement is one example. What other examples do we have? 

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