chad vandervalk
I am someone who grew up in the CRC, and fell in love with it after I was out of it for a while.
I don’t know what else to say about myself. I have spent a lot of time in school, although I intend to go back. I am currently trying to follow God’s lead in my life, which is more difficult than I ever though possible. I am growing in grace and patience as my children grow in mischieviousness and stubborness.
I constantly feel a call to dig deeper into things that we think we know, exposing our own smallness and misunderstandings.
Most of all, I simply want to be a blessing. I want to encourage people to think, to dig, to study, to challenge, to argue. To wrestle with God and refuse to let go until he blesses them. This often leads to pain, but that pain can bring a sweetness that this earth could never bring.