Amy Schenkel
I am the Great Lakes Regional Mission Leader for Home Missions, and currently serving as the interim Operations Director as we prepare to become a new mission agency with World Missions! My husband, Henry, and I had the joy of planting and pastoring a church plant from birth to adulthood, and so I have a special passion for church planting. I also find joy in Adventure Races, triathlons, National Parks, and doing anything with our two children.
Posted in: Discerning the Leading of the Spirit at Synod
I wonder if there is also something to be learned from your story about not being driven to make a decision today, but being willing to put the decision on hold while taking time for discernment.
I hadn't thought about this before- but I wonder how much time passes as they consider the issue in Acts 15?
Posted in: Not So Fast: Practicing the Ministry of Presence
Thanks for this story, Mary!
I think we can all learn a lot from children about not letting inhibitions get in the way of simply being present with the community around us. I'm sure your daughter's greetings brought joy to the lives of those she passed- oh, that we could say the same for each of us!
Posted in: Not So Fast: Practicing the Ministry of Presence
Thanks for taking the time to share about this ministry opportunity with this audience. I've heard of other organized initiatives to be a 'ministry of presence' in a particular neighborhood, like Move In, but this is my first time hearing about the Community of Celebration.
You make a good point- that being present isn't just about being present in our neighborhoods with the human beings there---it is also about recognizing God's presence in that place. And, as we have one ear to our neighbor, we have one ear to the Holy Spirit and the nudgings we are given. May we learn to hear that voice, and to discern it from our own, so that we do take advantage of the moments we are given to share God's truth of the gospel!
Posted in: World Renew's Approach to Funding Missions
Thanks for these insights, Wendy, as all of us who seek to support our CRC missionaries, both locally and globally, are searching for new paradigms to help the churches steward their resources well. Your comment about local/global being a both/and solution made me wonder about a unique possibility:
What if a North American church plant was connected to a World Renew country due to similar characteristics? For instance, there is a church planting/missional community in Denver that uses community gardening to connect with and disciple their neighbors. I'm sure there are places where World Renew is working with gardening in a community. What if these were packaged together in a way that would be meaningful to both the ministries and the donors?
In this day of collaboration in the denomination Home Missions is looking for creative ways to partner with agencies like World Renew. I wonder if this is one possibility?
Posted in: Growing Churches Part 2
If there was a "like" button here, I would use it. :)
Posted in: Growing Churches Part 2
Hmm...that would be a great follow up question. Maybe the new Worship Collaborative Work Group should follow up on this?
The conversations I had mostly pointed to the fact that they did not try something flashy or thematic (think: the TOP 5 WAYS TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS or WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THE SUPER BOWL)- their worship services were biblically based, excegetical, and from a Reformed perspective.
Posted in: What Counts?
Good point, Martin.
One article I was reading by a church growth specialist lately said that the average regular church attender in the USA today only attends church twice a month. He suggested that we count attendance by the month instead of by the Sunday in order to reflect this change in what attending 'regularly' means. Good food for thought (and somewhat encouraging when churches like ours have a low attendance weekend for no particular reason).
Posted in: What Counts?
I would email Jerry Hollemans (Home Missions Regional Leader)- he was the one who gave us the presentation about this church with multiple missional communities. He'd love to connect you, I'm sure!
Posted in: What Counts?
Thanks for engaging the issue, James.
Since you speak of recognizing the 'facts fo each organization,' I wonder why we count certain facts and not others? We currently count how many people are members, and how many people attend Sunday worship. I think these are important numbers and the reflect important things about a church body. I also think there are other facts that should count: the number of persons who attend a small group but not Sunday worship, the persons who have committed to a missional community but are uncomfortable with signing their name to a membership statement (which is pretty common with people who've had bad experiences with church in the past.) I wonder if we could count these facts too?
One reason I think these facts also count is that they reflect the work of the church and of the pastor. If these numbers don't count, how does that influence a council's evaluation of whether the pastor is doing his or her job? If these numbers aren't valued in the larger denomination, what would encourage a congregation to seek out new and creative ways to develop meaningful dispcipling relationships with unchurched persons?
Mostly I'm wondering how we can accuratly reflect the work of the church in today's changing culture and the ways the church is connecting to that culture.
Posted in: What Counts?
I'd be more than happy to provide the full report to anyone who emails me:
Posted in: Growing Churches
Good question about the "not near" other CRC churches factor. These were churches that found themselves in a geographical location where there were not other Reformed churches available. So, if someone was looking for a church with Reformed theology, they were the only ones in town and therefore saw that growth.
However, in the church planting world (where I do much of my work), I know that one principle of church growth is to plant churches like Starbucks builds coffee shops. Namely, within a mile or so of the nearest CRC church. With Starbucks it builds brand recognition and easy-access for its customers. What does proximity do for new churches? It allows for cooperation and collaboration of resources and community connections. In the recent work CMI has done with Kingdom Enterprise Zones, we have seen the mission-focused energy that can result when churches build collaboration.
I wonder if these two models allow for different types of growth? Does one tend to attract more churched people, while the other one reaches unchurched people more effectively? This study did not consider the types of people who were growing the church. That would be another great study.
Posted in: Growing Churches
The full report did include this information, but there wasn't room on the blog to include it all (or maybe I just didn't think people would read past it to the other information :).
Here is a quick summary of the strategy and scope of the research:
these churches grew by more than 20% between 2007 and 2012 in either attendance or membership; these churches were more than 10 years old (thereby excluding church plants); these were English-speaking churches.
There were 42 CRC churches that fit these characteristics. Of these, 25 were available for phone interviews (a few declined to be interviewed; some pastors were on sabbatical or otherwise unavailable at this time; all others were attempted at least 4 times). This sample did reach a saturation point, when no new or relevant information was being presented.
The churches interviewed were diverse. From Port. St. Lucie, FL to British Columbia, they were located all over the United States and Canada in cities, suburbs, and rural communities. These churches were also diverse in their theological standing, from conservative (for example, avoiding the women in office issue) to liberal (churches wrestling with how to handle homosexual marriages, for example). The churches also varied in size from 50 to almost 500 members.
I promised the pastors I interviewed that I would not quote them directly, so they remain anonymous throughout the report.
I hope this helps!