Ken Gehrels
I am someone who desires to follow and image Jesus however, whatever, wherever. Grateful for growing up in a Christian home and community, I've gone along to become a husband, father and very recently a grandpa (still trying to get my little brain around that one!). We've been in Ottawa since 1994, where a long-suffering and gracious community lets me serve as their pastor.
Posted in: What Would You Like to See on This Site?
I'd love to hear more from you, Sandra, about what you're looking for and what you find lacking in RW. Is the challenge in the area of music only? Or are there other elements in the liturgy that you are wrestling with as you strive to stay connected to our Reformed heritage while also connecting to today's community?
Posted in: What Would You Like to See on This Site?
Hi, Dan
Re scheduling of your Sunday volunteers (coffee hosts, ushers, greeters, sound techs, video crew, elders, worship team, etc) - someone here in Ottawa has written a piece of software called mychurchbody.com
We've used it for a few years now, and it does the job well.
Users can block out vacation dates - duplicate scheduling is blocked.
Master schedule can be printed.
Basic - but works well.
If you or anyone else drops me a note, I'll get you in touch with the developer.
Will be probably your lowest cost alternative.