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I would love to know more about sunday school curriculum. I know there is A LOT out there, but right now Faith Alive at CRCNA is promoting a new curriculum called Kid Connection. We have been using the Walk With Me curriculum and I would love hear a comparison. I also would like to know what other churches think- what they use, what seems to work for them. Also suggestions for Sunday School teachers who have kids that seem to know all the answers because "we heard it in school."

Another topic is someting I have heard A LOT from parents. "I don't send my kids to Sunday School because they already hear so many bible stories. My kids hear a lesson at school, during children and worship, and again during their groups (such as GEMS, CADETS, etc.) It is just "too much" for my kids."

Finally, I would love to know about organizations or suggestions about where to donate extra incomplete Sunday school curriculum. Often we have extra units that are missing some sessions, or the stickers or story cards are partially used. So, they aren’t complete therefore we won’t use them again next year. But I know there are many churches and countries that CAN use them.

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