Jack Y Beeksma
I was born during the war in 1943 in Holland. Came to Canada in 1948. Because of my parents I was a member of the CRC for many years. I left the church three months after doing Public Profession of Faith in 1969. 1963 I was saved from a watery grave by an Angel. After nearly three years of a worsening case of depression I committed suicide and died. But to the amazement of hospital staff life was given back to me which they can't explain. Seven years later I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord. During those seven years I was married; but after accepting Christ my wife left me. On Sunday, October 25, 1987 I received a miraculous healing of God when I was once again near death. Fourteen days later I received a very powerful deliverance through the indwelling Holy Spirit. In 1988 God moved me to write on the "Power of God". In 1988 God said, "Jack the time has come to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and come follow Me." In early 1989 God called me to leave my job and since then God has directed me here and there, giving witness to what He has given me to share with others concerning the Power of God. I have submitted a manuscript to a publisher which is still in the corrective stage. The Lord God has called me on several occasions to address controversial issues which under normal circumstances I would have given to my peers. But God and His ministering angels have always been with me and have watched over me, keeping me safe from all harm many times over. I give praise to His holy and sovereign name; that name which is above every name, JESUS.