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You bring up a very good issue.  I create our digital imagery and videos at Evergreen Ministries and really wanted to make it into a Media team all participating in creating content.  I had about 10 people interested in learning, but when it came time to train, only 2 people came for more than a week.  I think I have found that a lot of people are interested in doing these types of things, but since doing it well takes so much time and learning, not many stick with it for one reason or another. 

What I learned is that I should have broken down the overall scope of work into smaller tasks and allowed each person to take a part that they want to do and teach them to do that well instead of trying to teach all things to all people.  May be more time consuming, but you don't overwhelm people that way.


Yes, we will need to consider some type of virtual access to the sessions.

I just posted a comment on the  Social Media Training thread started by Nick Inglis.  It was interesting that he is doing some of his own training out east - so I asked him if he would want to get involved with this somehow.  I think many churches could benefit from this topic as well.  Thanks Mavis.

Tech Gathering/Planning Session

For anyone interested in meeting to discuss ideas and help plan the future of any gatherings and training, please either post here or email me at  I would like to pick a date in April sometime to meet either at Evergreen Ministries in Hudsonville or if somebody has access to a more central GR location, let me know.  I am just throwing out a few dates - please post which dates DO NOT work for you so I can pick a date.  Thanks everyone and I can't wait to meet some of you.

Monday Evenings April 11, or 18

Thursday Evenings April 14,  or 21

Saturday Mornings or Afternoon April 9, 16, or 23

Great responses - thank you!

Mavis, do you have any ideas on how to work with the Network on this other than just posting?

Tim and Wendy, my initial intention was to gather in person - and hopefully people in the West Michigan area still would want to, but I do agree that more people could get involved if we were able to do it virtually as well.  Since I am a video guy, maybe somebody would be willing to help make this happen. 

Joyce - thank you for offering to support - I'm not exactly sure what all you are able to do as far as this website is concerned, but maybe in the near future if we generate enough interest to definitely move ahead with planning something, your help in spreading the word would be great.


Doug - that is awesome to hear that you have been thinking of a similar event.  Already you and Wendy have expressed interest in somehow connecting remotely so I think we may have to seriously consider Tim's idea of at least doing some virtual sessions.

Posted in: Media Workshop

I love the idea of a Media Workshop - the Symposium has a lot of great stuff, but seems to be short on the tech end of things.  Its great to see some in the CRC are starting to come together on this. 

Its hard to tell the interest on a forum like this, but if anyone is interested in either starting some type of gathering or even a free workshop event, post to this forum and lets see where it goes.  I am sure we at Evergreen Ministries in Hudsonville, MI would love to host it.

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