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Is anyone using a church management software that includes online giving?  We currently have Servant Keeper and the deacons are not happy with it.  The directories features are not great as well.  We are looking into new software that "does it all."  Any recommendations?

We have a marriage statement that our Consistory came up with if the couple is going to be using one of our pastors.  We also have building use policy if they are just renting the facility.  Email me at [email protected] and I can send them to you.

We also use  I like it because our Worship Director can do all the planning and I can log in and update the bulletins as needed.  We used to use an Excel spreadsheet, but now we only use the Planning Center.  I also highly recommend it.

I work at my church as well.  I think it is better to look at it as a ministry.  Some items I don't mind helping out with on Sunday, like when the copier jams.  But when people come up with requests that could be handled during the week, I politely tell them that I am not in work mode right now and I might not remember come Monday. Please email me or drop a note in my office.  Most people are very understanding.  I have to admit, some Sundays (depending on the week I have had)I try to leave shortly after the service.  It gives me a break so that I don't feel like a live at church.

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