Taking part of the Lord's Supper is a confession "the bread that we break is a communion of the body of Christ.Take,eat,remember and believe that the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was given for a complete remission of all our sins." see also "the cup of thanksgiving......"
Also:Cathechism:" ---that I,with body and soul,both in life and death,am not my own,but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ,who with his precious blood------"
This is confessing;can this be seperated from :"Confession of Faith"?
At what age can we really, totally,deep in us, comprehend this and take this on as our personal acceptance?
Posted in: Children at the Lord's Supper
Taking part of the Lord's Supper is a confession "the bread that we break is a communion of the body of Christ.Take,eat,remember and believe that the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was given for a complete remission of all our sins." see also "the cup of thanksgiving......"
Also:Cathechism:" ---that I,with body and soul,both in life and death,am not my own,but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ,who with his precious blood------"
This is confessing;can this be seperated from :"Confession of Faith"?
At what age can we really, totally,deep in us, comprehend this and take this on as our personal acceptance?