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Dear Mr. VanderBilt:

A church's Articles of Incorporation are considered a legal document filed with the state with the intent to protect the members of the church and its property. The church could be held accountable (even in a court of law) for its actions of amending an Article without following proper procedure (seeking the approval of the classis). If I understand your issue correctly, it centers around division in the congregation or a conflict. Our CRC polity has processes in place to assist churches who are going through a time of conflict, such as reaching out to the classis to enlist the help of church visitors who would meet with the council and potentially with members of the congregation to help resolve a conflict. 

Dee Recker, Director of Synodical Services for the CRCNA 

Churches may nominate as many synod advisers as they like for each of the advisory roles (includes ethnic advisers, women advisers, and young adult representatives). Forms and guidelines for each of the adviser roles are available on the CRC website at and are due to the Synod Resources Office (contact info at the bottom of the form) by January 15. Advisers to synod will be appointed by the Board of Trustees in late February.

Hi Amy:

Thanks for your question. There is a form for the transfer of the credentials of a retired minister. It is posted below "Forms" at Or you can select the following link:


Dee Recker




Church Order Article 37 states: "The council, besides seeking the cooperation of the congregation in the election of officebearers, shall also invite its judgment about other major matters, except those which pertain to the supervision and discipline of the congregation. . . ." Peter Borgdorff, in his 2015 revision of the Manual of Christian Reformed Church Government adds that "The congregational meeting gives the council opportunity to seek the judgment or advice of the members on various matters, such as the program of the church, evangelistic outreach, and community relations."

The Articles or Bylaws usually indicate the process for making/adopting changes. Did you happen to check if this is included? If it is not indicate, I suggest erring on the side of grace and bringing the changes before the congregation for their information and for adoption.

Thanks for your question.

Dee Recker, director of synodical services

Hi Craig,

Thanks for your question about transfer of members from "other denominations." Confessing members who are transferring from churches in ecclesiastical fellowship (as you noted, the RCA, EPC, and ECO) may be accepted within the membership of the CRC by the consistory upon the presentation of certificates or statements. Church Order Article 59-e goes on to state that the membership is accepted "after the consistory has satisfied itself concerning the doctrine and conduct of the members."

However, if a member wishes to transfer from another denomination (not in ecclesiastical fellowship with the CRCNA), according to Article 59-f, they "shall be admitted as confessing members of the congregation only after the consistory has examined them concerning doctrine and conduct. The consisotory shall determine in each case whether to admit them directly or by public reaffirmation or profession of faith. Their names shall be announced to the congregation for approval."

To answer your question about needing to make a public profession of faith once again, only if the consistory judges that a public commitment to Reformed confessions while testifying to a living faith in Christ is needed. Much depends on communication (if any) from the church that previously held the membership (active/inactive membership?).


Dee Recker

Synodical Services Office, CRCNA


Thanks for your question.

The synodical services office (responsible for planning and implementing synod) does not retain voting records when the vote is cast electronically. Only the vote count appears on the screens of the officers and voting system operator (no name or classis associated with each vote). Delegates may "hear" how a nearby delegate votes when the vote is done by "voice." But, these voice votes are not recorded or retained in the minutes in any way - only noted if adopted or defeated.

A delegate has the right, per our Rules for Synodical Procedure to register their negative vote. The name and classis of delegates who register a negative vote are recorded in the minutes of synod (Acts of Synod). 

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