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Dear Readers: The need to broaden the definition of abuse is here. I say this because abuse by church leaders is more than the narrow understanding of sexual and physical abuse. I suggest that the CRC look to broaden the definition of abuse (when it occurs between a church leader and another adult) to be: ·         Emotional or verbal abuse·         Emotional affair·         Abuse of power in the form of: boundary violations, breaching confidentiality, false allegations, failure to follow proper process, unethical behavior, illegal activity, fraud, defamation, libel, slander, sexual misconduct, child abuse, clergy malpractice, invasion of privacy, and undue influence  Any of the above done by a pastor or church leader to another is abusive. Let’s stop allowing leadership to treat others badly and let’s start calling abuse – abuse- and bring it to an end in our churches and faith communities. Judy De Wit

Posted in: Great Resource

Excellent book.  Stops the enabling approach - gets at the problem approach and stops the "give" just because we think that is the answer to poverty and problems.

Judy De Wit

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