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Maybe we should use individually packaged "Life Savers" for communion. At least the name is appropriate.

As I understand the situation, CRC congregational decisions are made by the consistory and congregational meetings are only advisory. That's how First Everett CRC (WA) functions.

Reminds me of a Seattle metro government (Bellevue?) which shut down a strip club because there was no wheelchair ramp to the runway. Never know when a crippled woman might wish to become a stripper.

 "Good Christian schools" is the sort of phrase that helps lawyers make their boat payments. "Good" is half way between "terrible" and "better." Would not a parent want the best academic education he could afford? Then there is "Christian." A Catholic parochial school might be the best compromise.

Our congregation founded the local "Christian" school decades ago. Today it is a generic "Christian" school. None of our church children attend but it saps time and money from the congregation. In the last 20 years, one family has joined our congregation because of the school.

Most all the young adults in our congregation attended the elementary school and many attended "Christian" high schools in neighboring towns. Their academic level seems to be directly related to the academic interest of their parents.

If we were starting to raise children in this year and knew what we know, we would home teach and/or send the kids to a superior academic private school. My main complaint with public and, I suppose, "Christian" grade schools is they are a big waste of time. When our twins were to enter 6th grade in another town we did not want them in the middle school so we home taught them. They spent much less than an hour a day studying. The Wife and/or I took them to variouys interesting placed and they had to write paper on each trip. The next year we moved and asked the kids what they wanted to do about school. They wanted to attend public school. The school tested them and both were placed in advanced 7th grade classes. They both now have college degrees.




Good topic. Bill Gates is covers both bases, evidence of true  Christianity? He gives away so much money that he had to start a (501c3) corporation to help him give away money.

Or is Gates trying to buy his way into Heaven? Would that make him a typical Christian?

Several times I have tried to help people by giving them money to help them through a situation and it made their situation worse. 

Some people will never forgive a person for helping them.

Only God has the ability to intentionally forget. Would most Christians help their neighbors if their good works were  to be hidden from God?







The same as the last 3 or 4 board presidents have been treated? As well as Americans treat the president of the USA?

We welcome anyone who walks through the door.

Personally . . . I never heard of the CRC until we moved to Everett, WA. We attended an evening service and were made very welcome. We like the Dutch people, the Dutch customs, and the traditional worship service. Thank God there are 100 different denominations in the US. Every person should be able to find a Christian congregation that fits his personality and theology and I found mine. That was 15 or so years ago.

Since we joined First Everett CRC, the denomination has been working hard to change everything I like about the CRC. We may be the last "traditional" congregation in the Classis. I can tolerate a couple of modern ditties passing for hymns in the morning service but if I see a drum set in front of the congregation, I'm gone.

If the CRC can't exist while maintaining CRC distinctives then why should we exist? The CRC should "out baptist" the Baptists and "out rock and roll" the rock and rollers? Follow the money?

My personal understanding of those verses is the opposite of your personal opinion. Pax Vobiscum!

It is a new social/economic world out there and the old world will not return.

Why? Because young people are learning that they don't need to be in the same physical location to accomplish most duties and many pleasures. Eating and drinking with other people might be the last to disappear. I have always hated shaking hands. A nod would be just fine. 

The CRC does not teach that God can regenerate anyone he chooses? Or refuses to regenerate all  those who work hard at loving God and being a good neighbor? IF god can regenerate only "believing in Jesus" Christians then what is the pragmatic difference between the CRC and the dispensationalists?  And Billy Graham's teaching?

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