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Haiti has never recovered from the slave revolt of 1791. 

I don't know why Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic are such a mess. Before Castro, Cuba was a tourist paradise like Hawaii.  

Posted in: The Poverty Line

(In the same way) The new public tv documentary about the Dust Bowl is very important for three reasons. First, most people alive today think the Vietnam War is ancient history and the Dust Bowl is beyond their comprehension. They have no one to tell them about real hard times.

Second, because current political debate is about poor people "deserving" or being "entitled to" government help. The movie tells about a time when event real patroitic, church going, Bible believing, hard working, job wanting Baptist - and I suppose a few Reformed - Americans can literally come to the end of their rope.

Third, because some Americans refuse to admit that "Mother Nature," even our "Reformed" can turn against us especially when we ignore what she or he is trying to tell us. For example, we built the Glen Canyon Dam and the year after Lake Powell was full the the rain stopped. The Ogllala Aquifer has been half sucked dry. The Colorado River no longer reaches the Gulf of Mexico.  See  Before the current Oil Wars are ended the Water Wars will have started.



Many Americans including myself have very few positive thoughts about the UN.  I would like to see the UN headquarters moved to Europe. All the UN does is suck the US dry. I would close all foreign embassies except for the British Commonwealth.   

Posted in: God's Referee?

Keep in mind Jesus taught that complaints (criticisms) were to be made in the local congregation (Synod?), listed the steps that were to be taken before it got that far, and told us not to criticise another person's servant. Also "pay to the government . . ." and "if you are asked to go a mile . . ." and "turn the other cheek." Then there is the very interesting historical report in Acts 5:34-39.  Don't know how all those admonitions should be resolved in a democratic republic during a national election. <G>

Posted in: God's Referee?

"Scripture itself says that thieves and liars and adulterers and fornicators will not enter the kingdom of heaven."

Unless the CRC has a doctrine of sinless perfection, that includes all of us. Still, I am thankful that I am not as sinful as that nasty IRS agent standing over there. <G>

The US Declaration Of Independence was the greatest advertising copy in the history of the world. 

How many of the dissatisfied persons attend their church to get something from thr congregation and how many to give something? How many are church hoppers?  

For 300 years in the US and Canada there was very little change in worship format. All of a sudden, last 20 years, the youth tail is wagging the dog. What happened? 

bill wald on July 4, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thank you all for the replies. I know it is a new world out there. At 72 years, I am set in my ways and don't want to be a part of it. In my mind, worship is an obligation, not an entertainment. I'm a legalist at heart.

In  the OLD old days the pagans understood that a popular entertaining civil religion kept the population under control. Maybe the CRC should try public sacrifices and fighting (for Jesus) in the arena. That would be an interesting test of the first amendment. After all, the Rastafarians can now deduct the cost of sacrificial chickens from their income tax.

Posted in: Semper Gumby

Has anyone's life turned out as expected? If so, like to hear about it. I quit making plans at age 38 when The Wife told me she was pregnant with #4 and #5.

I do not see examples of personal greed in the CRC. The only examples I see of congregational greed is refusing to pay shares and spending the money for local programs. I don't see money splurged on  temples and fancy cars. I don't think CRC pastors are getting rich.

When Jesus talked about helping the poor he never mentioned some guy I don't know who lives 5000 miles away where the standard of living is less than mine. Jesus talked about people I personally meet in my every day activities. 

(On the other hand) I don't think Jesus meant for me to give cash to every person who stands at a freeway interchange with a sign. In Jesus day people were not taxed for public welfare. There was no 911 and aid cars. No housing projects for the poor and oppressed.

Is there anything in Proverbs about "sending good money after bad?"  




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