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There are a billion people who would be rowing to the US across the Atlantic and the Pacific if it was possible. 

Unless a phone directory is restricted to members, they will be suckers for every sort of advertising and political campaign . . . every sort of nut.

Identifying "men of God" Is something simiar to what a Supreme Court justice said about identfiyng pornography, "I can't define it but I know it when I see it." For example, Gandhi, MLK . . . . 

50 years ago humans were persons, corporations were businesses, and raw materials were assets to be consumed. These days corporations are persons and persons are raw materials to be consumed.  I knew the jig was up when personnel managers disappeared and personnel departments were renamed "human resource" departments.

When I was young, we were taught "sticks and stones . . . ." Facebook" posts should only disturb children. No one knows the difference between "public" and "private" these days. On public bulletin boards, "What goes around, comes around."  

One of the smartest things My Wife and I have done in a long time is to cancel the cable and watch Hulu for entertainment. We do not have a need to know 90% of the daily gossip.

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