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"So what do we do when Monsanto gives Haiti a big post-earthquake "gift" of their patented and pesticide-laden seeds?"
This matter-of-fact statement may well be overstated. I think it is important to read the "other side" of the story...
As I read it, there were many offers and this route was chosen by the powers that be in Haiti. It is worthwhile to present both sides, not just the political one.
Ken Prol

Thanks for your reply Kate. I tried to keep it brief, but my expectation is that this would solve the immediate need, but that Haitains work at growing their own seed to replace the gifted seed. I see no reason for Haitains to stay in a cycle of dependancy on Monsanto or any other entity. There seems to be a wide range of opinions from different groups and individuals, but only time will tell the result of these decisions. We continue to pray for God's leading in bringing hope and healing to the people of Haiti.

Bill Harris, that is a well written and thoughtful response and I agree wholeheartedly with it. Thanks for the reminder that "we can all use a few more dance lessons."

I came from the Netherlands Reformed Church in 1973 and made a Public Profession of Faith in the CRC at that time.

As I understand, the PRC and NRC are very similar in their professions of faith. They deal with life and doctrine, but not faith in Jesus Christ. I felt the need to profess this new faith in Jesus Christ when I came into the CRC. Here is the form that has been used for Profession in both the PRC and NRC...

1. Do you acknowledge the doctrine contained in the Old and New Testaments and in the Articles of the Christian faith and taught here in this Christian church to be the true and complete doctrine of salvation? 

2. Have you resolved by the grace of God to adhere to this doctrine; to reject all heresies repugnant thereto; and to lead a new, godly life? 

3. Will you submit to church government, and in case you should become delinquent (which may God graciously forbid), to church discipline?
Answer. Yes.

I hope that is helpful in guiding your conversations.

Point well taken, John. I think it is important that since these decisions were made by representative bodies, originating at the individual churches, we should honor them until such time that those decisions are changed. As Stated Clerk, I see the need to follow a set of standards that we all work with. Perhaps the question is better posed... Why wouldn't an elder want to sign the form a second time in a new church?

Thanks, Steve... well put! I guess if someone really wants to change that procedure they could send an overture :)


I am a pastor in the US. I chair most council meetings, but there is an understanding that I do not vote unless there is a tie vote. In the few instances where we have had a tie vote, I have called for a time of prayer and hold the vote till the end of the meeting or, at the following meeting. That has worked well for us in the past. I feel that a council must own the decisions that are made, and not look to the pastor to take one side or the other. I saw the value of stopping to pray when I served on a committee at Synod a number of years ago. Rev. John Algera stopped the meeting a number of times when there was no clear consensus. Each time we stopped to to have prayer, attitudes changed and we reached a consensus. Prayer is a powerful means of reminding us that this is God's church.I praise God for lessons learned in the value of seeking Him in all things.

That is standard procedure, to re-sign the Covenant for Officebearers when changing churches as well as classes.

Elders and Deacons serve for an average of two to three years. Sometimes they do not serve for sewveral years between callings. Many things can change over time, including ones opinions and agreement with all confessions.

John, remember that elders have terms, thaey are not elders for life as in some other denominations. I would expect to reaffirm my agreement when moving to a new church or classes.   Ken

I believe thjat as long as you are serving both, you are providing the alternative. That person has to face those decisions on a biggger scale daily.
Ken Prol

Ken Prol on October 19, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

What do you propose as a solution? Alcoholics face this when they go out to eat, walk by or inside a store that sells alcohol, etc. They need love, compassion, and the encouragement of others in AA who undersatand the challenges. Talk top someone from the AA program and get their input as well.

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