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We maintain a separate binder that goes back many years.  Even though our minutes are kept electronically, we still have that "special" binder just for those signatures. 

Steve, great thoughts for expressing appreiciation for ministry leaders.  I have been a proponent of this practise in our local church for many years.  My words have fallen on deaf ears.  A simple thank you from the pulpit at an appropriate time for SS teachers, gem & cadet leaders, etc... seems to be all we can muster.  Many workers committ many long hours in their area of ministry and the consensus among leadership is that there are more important matters to address.  John

I have not heard anyone address the time spent in examining one owns heart in preparation for the celebration of communion. We read quite a list of sins in the form for preparation and can a child properly examine there life as an adult? What about the infant partaking of the elements as pictured on the cover of the banner? This seems as though churches have already opened the door to infants coming to the table for the bread and wine.

Posted in: Prayer Walking

Pete, Prayer walks are a great tool for getting into the neighborhood and seeing with our eyes and hearts the lives the neighbors that need prayer. My wife & I routinely walk through our neighborhood for prayer. I would like to encourage you in keeping up the good work you have started. I would also like to take this forum to "vent". The prayer discusion portion of this network should be exploding with participation. I sense from fellow parishoners that prayer is something that we should keep in our prayer closet, of course that was not the case in the early church. I pray that our church councils, classical & synodical meetings spend more time on their knees seeking the Lord's will and less time deliberating after asking God to bless our decisions. Not only our denomination but our entire nation needs desperate prayers. This past election and the appointment of the most recent Supreme Court nominee shoud drive us to our prayer closets, knees or prayer meetings for divine intervention.

I've asked the question before and no one seems to want to touch it.  Are we supposed to use the front cover of the Banner some time ago which depicted an infant being given the bread & wine in celebration of the Lord's Supper as being age appropriate.  One might think this is an official endorsement from our demonination's leadership.

I have to say to  Paul who initially started this discussion.  I am not seeing a lot of room for the Holy Spirit to work.  Too much emphasis on contemporay/traditional, church plant/established.  We need to set all of these personal preferences aside and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to do wonderful things in our denomination/congregations

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