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This is an area that our REALTOR referral network is also struggling with.  Our Exodus Network is made up of REALTORS who are "Servant Leaders in Real Estate" and "Christian Community Specialists" throughout the US and Canada.  Our agents run into folks on a regular basis who are struggling to pay their mortgage and may be losing their home.  This struggle is only one piece of a multi-dimensional problem.  It would be really cool and very beneficial for us to know the names of the churches that are ready to walk beside families who are struggling.  We often wish we could  refer the family to a person or group who could provide additional support. What a powerful opportunity for a Word and deed partnership and KINGDOM impact!  

So, here is my offer.  I would love to hear from any church leaders from any church anywhere in the US or CA  that is willing AND ready to walk beside folk who are struggling with losing their home. I would also love to hear from any REALTORS in any churches that have not yet connected with the EXODUS Network, but who are servant leaders in their community .  We can host a conference call conversation between church leaders and REALTORS around the country.  Probably the most powerful thing we can do is pray together. Then let's see how God leads us to leverage the power of the 1000-2000 Real Estate Agents connected with the EXODUS Network with the leaders in the churches that are hearing God's call to provide love and support to a very vulnerable and needy group of people.   

In the meantime,  if any church leader is currently working with a family who may be losing their house,  get in touch with us  and we can get them connected to a REALTOR in their local community who can provide the professional expertise needed. There is never a charge for our referral services no matter what the reason. In addition, in almost all cases, the consultation relating to avoiding foreclosure, and even the professional short sale assistance provided by the REALTOR (when that is a viable option) is free of charge.   269-350-4014 | | 

Mike,  Thanks for dedicating your efforts to the start of The Network!  We will miss you! 

I really believe that The Network is the beginning of what will become a tremendous kingdom building tool!  As a newly birthed tool The Network is providing a place for leaders to share ideas and connect with each other.  As The Network continues to develop, it will bring ever more powerful technology to the churches.  This is a place for agencies, colleges and Church leaders to provide tools, research, encouragement, leadership training and cutting edge resources to strengthen the church.   The Network structure is a step forward for the denomination and will cost effectively develop into the hub of much more than simple conversation with each other.  

As an example, I know that our small church struggles to train our new Elders and Deacons each year.  I would bet that we are not alone!  If it were possible for our deacons to attend a live practical, training webinar (or the archived version stored at the Network) led by a veteran deacon leader with the gifts of teaching and encouragement, what a blessing it would be for our church.  Certainly the cultural context would need to be “localized”, but being able to cost effectively pull together ministry leaders with similar gifts, passion and mandates to serve, will enable our churches to become even more effective in their communities.  There are great things happening in our churches around the country.  The Network can be the tool that allows for the sharing and even perhaps “mentoring” of programs from church to church.  It can be a a great support and connector for ministry leaders that are currently isolated either by geography or ministry specialty (for example – churches that minister to an urban population in a classis that is mostly suburban or rural).  The Network can enable them to connect and share through webinars, workshops or question and answer times.  This will make for healthier churches and more effective ministry. 

The network, when combined with the denominations data management capability will make targeted and effective leadership development a real possibility.  There are lots of “mastermind” groups such as this operating in the business world….let’s take some of this cutting edge technology to the church and build the kingdom! 

As the effective resources and tools grow, so will the word of mouth endorsements.  When you can combine these strong word of mouth endorsements with a well coordinated awareness building campaign (throughout the various classis meetings, agency mailings, Faith Alive, magazines etc.) the Network will continue to grow and will empower more leaders to make a difference in the kingdom.   

We want to hear from you.

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