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Leon Johnston on January 1, 2014

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hello Pat,

Thank you for passing on your testimony re. Alpha. 

I fully agree with your assessment: He works, and happily He uses Alpha as an effective tool. 

Thanks be to God!

And what a blessing to be part of the ministry of making disciples!

I pray the Lord will continue to use bless Alpha to reach people for Christ in your community.

--Leon H. Johnston

Leon Johnston on January 4, 2014

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)


I found that the Lord used Alpha to do at least three things in our church and community: (1) train leaders; (2) focus on Jesus; and (3) help us to receive and proclaim the gospel.

So, although Alpha is an effective evangelistic tool, happily it does even more than that.  Accordingly, it is a helpful tool on many levels.

I would encourage you to serve in an Alpha Course, if possible, and experience it for yourself.

Peace of Christ!

Leon H. Johnston

Thank you for asking this question, President Medenblik! 

My thoughts: systems theory, conflict resolution and spiritual direction.

May the Lord bless your upcoming academic year!


Leon Johnston on September 6, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hello Richard,

Great to hear from you! (We SK boys need to stick together! :)  Yes, I agree that we can learn much about leadership from many places.  Let's keep our ears and eyes open!

Another lesson I learned from the Riders, but didn't mention, is the importance of moving on and letting new leaders lead.  Remember when Coach Miller moved to the office after coaching, and Marshall was hired as head coach?  It appeared to me that Miller was still the coach, even though he was in the office.  I don't think Marshall was really empowered to lead.  And the Riders had one of their worst seasons!

Anyway, let's keep learning about leadership and cheering on the Riders!

Peace to you!


Leon Johnston on September 7, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Glad to hear you were able to catch a Rider's game in Toronto, Richard.

I haven't been to one in years!  Hope to catch one in Edmonton some day. 

The Lord be with you and your family!


Leon Johnston on September 14, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hello August,

Yes, I know the Eskimos are struggling right now.  Actually, they look a lot like the 2012 Riders!  But since I wrote the blog, the Riders have also lost--to Winnipeg!  A humbling experience for them, I'm sure!

Actually, I think that perhaps there's more to learn from losing than winning.  So much to gain from reflecting on our mistakes and failures.  I suspect the Eskimos are doing that, and will improve before the season's end. 

Peace to you!


Hi Jolanda,

You may recall that you passed on your Fath Nurture litany to me recently. I'm pleased to report that it worked very well and our Sunday School commissioning was very blessed--thanks be to God!  Thank you for your help.

Peace to you,


Hello Mark,

Thank you for writing this insightful article.  I resonate with your concerns.  (And here I am, responding to your article--catching up on my email correspondence and social media--on a Friday evening!)  I recall the late Dallas Willard--or was it Richard Foster?--saying that solitude and silence is the most urgent spiritual discipline for us to practice today, as we live in an over-extended and distracted world. 

Thank you for reminding me to be more sensitive to our natural rhythms.  I think I'll log out now! :)


Hello President Medenblik,

Thank you for passing on the reading list.  'Looks very helpful!  And thank you for inviting our input as pastors in the field.  Three titles that immediately come to mind are: Leading the Congregation, by Norman Shawchuck & Reuben Job; Center Church, by Timothy Keller; and The Pastor, by Eugene Peterson.

May the Lord bless your teaching and leadership ministry!


Leon Johnston on September 30, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thank you, Bev, for clarifying that it was Dallas Willard who emphasized the importance of solitude and silence--especially today.  I agree with him wholeheartedly!  Accordingly, I find "taking Sabbath" an essential practice for God's people today.   

I also like that Nouwen quote.  I remember reading something similar in one of Willard's book (The Great Omission, I think).  Something like: "No one has made significant progress in the Christian life without spending considerable time in solitude and silence."

May the Lord help us all to live this out, and then teach our people to do the same!


Hello Joshua,

Thank you for writing about mentoring.  I agree: mentoring is very important. I also have a mentor, and he's been a great support and blessing to me.  And I've been thinking more about mentoring others.  In fact, I attended the Global Leadership Summit this year (Calgary, AB site), and that was my big "take away": that mentoring the younger generation is crucial to local church health. Now I'm trying to figure out how to do that well.  One thing we've found as a church is that running Alpha has helped us to identify and mentor younger leaders.  I confess this is not what we set out to accomplish through Alpha, but it's been one of the blessed results.  Now to continue mentoring those young leaders when Alpha is done. . . That is the challenge and blessing.

Thank you,


Leon Johnston on April 27, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Hi Doug,

Thanks for the reply and for passing on your ideas.  Great use of technology to record articles.  Well done!  I'm not as "high-tech" as you, but I do use Evernote a fair bit and find it helpful. 

Peace to you,


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