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Reese VanderVeen on December 4, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Boy who would have guessed that there's a whole website domain created just for supporting small groups with a name like that?  Sometimes the answer is so much closer and easier than we can imagine!  Thanks for the pointer Steve!  There's a ton of stuff here ...although my genetic sensors are hurting because I may actually have to pay a little for it...I'll let you know if it exceeds my budget :)

Reese VanderVeen on December 4, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks Sam,

I really like the organic gardening image as well.  Although I'm afraid the initial steps for whoever may answer the call to tend our small-group garden may have to coach a little transplanting or grafting of some flowering shrubs with untamed vines, as well as the usual opening up to more light and water ;-)

I would certainly still value seeing whatever job descriptions you're willing to share,so that our Ed Team folks and I may consider what aspects could apply to our situation.  Of course, we will also be in need of good training and evaluation tools to offer or suggest...working on downloading some stuff from right now.

Thanks again for all your insights!

Hey Joel,

I'm just getting on board this Network thing and see that your question was posted already back in May.  If you are still looking into the OTC for next year, I highly recommend it as a way of helping your congregation to see the whole story of the OT.  When I used it in Conrad, I basically would pick one or two of the highlighted passages for each service and use them as my sermon text by going into more depth than what the study guides offered.  I would use some of the key themes they suggested, but not all.  I tried to use texts that provided the key concept of the particular books they came from in order to paint the broad strokes of the OT canvass.  I do remember doing seven sermons just on Judges which was sort of a mini-series within the OTC series.  We also did not have a very good video system so I didn't use any of the movie clip stuff.  I found most of thier illustrations and support materials were geared to a more seeker-oriented or new believer setting.  But the main Leader's Guide really did help me to get ideas.  Hope that helps...I know others have benefitted from it as well.  Blessings..Reese    

Reese VanderVeen on October 22, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks Jim, I even have a copy of that resource in my files!  A good place to start I agree.  Have you ever hosted or led any such discussion?  What type of material for guidelines do you cover with incoming council members?  Thanks again for getting me started. Reese

I love the ideas of talking "to" & "with" the children/siblings up front and not "at" them so that we do not preach down to them with a sermon, but I still struggle with what we should be telling/showing them about this event in a way they can grow to understand and celebrate what God has said or done for them in their baptisms, while still making it clear that they need to confirm & profess their own faith.  What things have you said to the kids watching or what questions have you asked of them at varying ages to help them understand what's happening?  As cute as the story about the lost/disappearing cross on a brother's forehead is, what should a parent or pastor be saying to this concerned sister about her brother's being signed and sealed as God's child?  I'd love to hear more...   

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