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We have this same issue at our church.  Although there may be a better way to do this, the steps we have taken are to stagger the schedule making.  One ministry makes their schedule then the next ministry looks at that schedule and makes their schedule accordingly and so on... The most flexible ministry schedules last and this master schedule is maintained through the church office.  This has made a big difference in avoiding the overlapping of members serving on Sunday mornings.  It does take cooperation on the part of those making the schedules but it works for us.

I also work where I worship.  I am the church administrator and also see this as my ministry.  My feelings are a bit different about Sundays.  Sundays are when I get to connect with everyone face to face.  Yes - it makes for busy Sundays but I find it helpful and energizing.  I have learned to carry my planner with me so I can write things down so I don't forget but I have also asked people to send an e-mail to remind me later.  I do not feel that I am not able to enter fully into worship because of people asking for my help or giving me info.  I'm also involved in Worship but I find this helps me be more connected to worship which enhances my worship experience. 

Posted in: Pay Increases

Our church fiscal year runs from August 1 through July 31. When we considered pay raises in late spring we decided to give 3% to our staff. They had not received any pay raises for the last 3 years. Also, even though he was offered a pay increase our pastor declined one this year in light of the fact that we consistently run short or very tight on our budget.

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