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Melissa Van Dyk on April 27, 2012

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I love finding out about all these different resources!  Thanks for highlighting this!

Grace, you're absolutely right.  I'm sorry I didn't relay this information sooner.  During the webinar we lost sound (twice) for a bit - is that the part that is missing, or is there more missing?

Melissa Van Dyk on November 15, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Jamie! I had to laugh with the "oh no, now I can't get it back together!".  SO TRUE!  I was enamoured with the clever + to X. :)

Last year our deacons received a letter from a member of the congregation inquiring as to how we select causes.  I posted the question on the Network earlier this year (Beyond the Budget) and one of the responses reminded me that even though select ministries receive ministry shares, this does not cover their full budget, and they still rely on other offerings.  The ministry shares drastically reduce the amount of fundraising that they need to do. 

That doesn't negate the difficult task deacons have of discerning what causes to contribute to - it is a difficult field to navigate with many options on both the local and denominational front.  You are absolutely right to say that it's a question many congregations are struggling with.  I would even say individual congregational members wrestle with that decision too!

Melissa Van Dyk on November 15, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Excellent point August.  I wonder - do you have any ideas about how the tool could have been structured to be more effective?

I love intergenerational ministry!! I totally agree that it's an important aspect of our faith, both in building deeper community and for spiritual growth.  I have checked out the WE curriculum, and as church staff we have been talking about using it this Fall.  It looks like a great way to connect all ages!

Melissa Van Dyk on August 23, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Fred, thank you for alerting me to the PAR oversight. I have corrected it to prevent future confusion (or irritation)!


Terry's suggestion of "When Helping Hurts" is a great one.  I would also invite you to peruse the Diaconal Ministries of Canada website:  They have a whole section of information and resources on equipping deacons.  

There is also a resource section here on The Network.  You can check it out:

I'm a big fan of learning while doing, so I would suggest to start implementing what you're reading and learning by going on visits (either with another deacon, your pastor or an elder), or exploring your church's neighbourhood more to find out what the needs in your area are (if you don't already know!).

You definitely don't need to wait a year - you seem to be really excited and passionate, and I'd say, jump in with both feet!  (And when you have questions - don't be afraid to ask!)

Melissa Van Dyk on July 7, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Tammy! That is such a great connection to make. Thank you for sharing it. I love the question you've posed, and I too am curious to hear the stories. I wonder if you have one that can start us off?

P. S. Thanks for joining the Network! :) I'm glad you're here.

Melissa Van Dyk on July 7, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Thanks Stan! I look forward to your insights and comments! I had followed the links, and laughed at the clever space fillers. The site looks good, I was impressed we even had one! Nice work!

Melissa Van Dyk on July 7, 2011

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

James, nice to meet you! I think it's amazing that we can have a conversation about partnering. I definitely want to dialogue with you more about how we can serve/share with each other! I'll be in touch! (And maybe other curious/interested deacons will be too!)

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