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I and a few others would agree with you Dan. For decades we have been fed the message that humans have negatively impacted the climate. "If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it." This is attributed to Isa Bragden but others such as Lenin and Goebbels have used a version of this as well. It is known that water vapour in the atmosphere is a far better absorber of infrared energy than is carbon dioxide ( over 100 times better ) and we humans have little ability to affect the concentration of water vapour. We should be asking, "Who is pushing this climate hysteria and why?"

Be careful who you march with. The website for this event shows disrespect for the president of the United States and suggests that he is out to harm the people of America. As Christians who are taught to respect our leaders, the president of the United States should not be addressed as “Trump”.

The average temperature of the earth’s surface has always been slowly changing. The reasons for this are immensely complex, and I believe still not well understood. One example of sources of confusion is in applying the term “greenhouse effect” to one of the causes of global warming. Greenhouses become warmer inside primarily by preventing convection; our atmosphere can become warmer when, primarily infrared light is impeded as it radiates into space. Do man’s activities such as creating carbon dioxide, water vapour, heat, and dust, to name a few, affect the average temperature of the earth? Probably, but to what extent?

If you want to march for Jobs, Justice, and Climate, then would you also please march to protest the persecution and murder of the Assyrians, Copts, and other of our brothers and sisters in Christ, in the Middle East? Are you also marching to protect the unborn? Whichever march you go on please carpool or take a bus to minimize your contribution to man-made emissions.

Peter Davis

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