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John asks, "You indicate you are a retired pastor, and then say you are a pastor still.   Can you be both?  Or do you only wish to retain the title?   Or is the title only validated by an accompanying salary"


In the Reformed system pastors are ordained for life while elders are not.  Pastors don't lose their ordination when they retire.     In my case I am under the supervision of the Han Bit Korean Church where my wife and I are members and where I serve as an associate pastor.  I preach twice a month in our English service as part of my contribution to the ministry of our congregation.  I also preach in other churches and am paid for that.  Thus, I'm even a pastor with a salary!! :-)


Dutchoven: The first sentence of your post indicates that your two questions are not really questions. They are accusations.  You seem to be saying that the BOT is abusing its mandate to act on behalf of synod when synod is not in session.  You also seem to be saying that, while “there are many that are full of the Spirit of God leading the church in many wonderful ways,” the members of the BOT are not among those many.   

It's easy to criticize people at the top, and we all do it---our council, our classis, our synod, our boss, our president, etc., etc.---and criticism gets easier when we don't know the people we're criticizing. We need to remember the BOT members are volunteers, ministers and church members just like the rest of us, who are attempting to do what is best for the church. 

That doesn't mean we can't question their judgment.  It does mean we should be careful about what we say about their actions.

I already apologized to Bill Vis, the stated clerk of Classis Grand Rapids North, for what he considered an "insult to his classis," but I need to do it again--a double apology!!  I know you're sick of retired people telling you how busy they are, but I've attempted to do these posts in a schedule that's already pretty full. Last night on a plane back from Texas I reread Overture 20 which is asking for an amendment of Church Order Article 47.  It's obvious that this refers  to the Belhar Confession. I missed that and broadened the reference to the revision of the three Confessions.  Mea culpa.

I still believe that synod should defeat this overture, but it's obvious that its sole reference is to the Belhar (and to any other confessional matters).

On the plane I also read something that is relative to another post I wrote.  The post was online for a half day or so, but I asked that it be pulled so I could revise it.  Credibility is enhanced  when it's evident that you're accurate about  what you're talking about!! :-)

Fernando, is there anything specific that makes you say "Could it be this 'people of color' issue is aggravating leadership & political dynamics in our spiritual church body?"

Fernando, you did more than wonder.  You led us in a specific direction when you said, '"Could it be this 'people of color' issue is aggravating leadership & political dynamics in our spiritual church body?"  That's why I asked if you had anything specific that made you say this.   It sounds as if you're playing the race card.

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