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I am a social justice "advocate" at a personal level but on my own, not representing any organization whatsoever. I think the Christian faith is enough reason to fight (in a peaceful way) for social justice in our societies.

From my point of view, the church (we as believers and the institutions as a whole) have not done enough work trying to seek justice for the opressed and needy. And this, looking for justice, is a Biblical position. People vote for people and parties whose only goal is to acomplish economic interests and pursuing the goal of rich becoming richer, without caring for the poor. Middle class often stands in-between for political agendas. Not to mention about places where there are acute extreme poverty issues.

Activism will be the key for the chuches to awaken and be truly concerned about social issues of justice. Theological arguments and works of motivation and encouragement to care for the environment, as God's stewards, for instance, have been successful for many congregations and Christian people. But not too much is said or published within the Church's context about society. And what's published comes from a politically conservative view which is not too concerned about opression proper, but about military, mainly the issue of "Just war" in the U.S./Canadian context.    

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