What needs revisiting is for the CRC to advise churches in a new context of BEING AT ODDS WITH THE LAW OF THE LAND. Within CRC curches, especially among youth, is consensus on this issue anywhere near it was even 5 years ago - let alone 40 years ago? Major demographic shift since then, folks, -- a brand new pinball game! The bottom line is we are now an older denomination; battle-wearry and tired of conflict. Do we have sufficient stamina to reprimand (or heaven-forbid sustain a court battle against) CRC pastors , who represent faith communities that are comfortable marying monogomous gays? Or, to avoid such a scenario from happening, will we allow space for a patchwork of practices where each church decides for themselves---- like we do with other contovercial issues in the CRC?
Posted in: Are We Fully Equipped?
What needs revisiting is for the CRC to advise churches in a new context of BEING AT ODDS WITH THE LAW OF THE LAND. Within CRC curches, especially among youth, is consensus on this issue anywhere near it was even 5 years ago - let alone 40 years ago? Major demographic shift since then, folks, -- a brand new pinball game! The bottom line is we are now an older denomination; battle-wearry and tired of conflict. Do we have sufficient stamina to reprimand (or heaven-forbid sustain a court battle against) CRC pastors , who represent faith communities that are comfortable marying monogomous gays? Or, to avoid such a scenario from happening, will we allow space for a patchwork of practices where each church decides for themselves---- like we do with other contovercial issues in the CRC?