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Hi Steve,

Good question and I agree with you that our churches do not talk a lot of about all questions that we have in this text.  I know that our God is the healer and we do not have in our own the power to heal.  As the text said, when we pray over someone and amoint oil the person will heal. 

I do not use oil most of the time, but when I pray over someone, I ask God to anoint the person, to forgive him/ her, and I proclaim the healing from God.  I command the power of disease to leave.  If I feel like I must rebuke the power of darkness in the person life, I do so without hesitation.  I saw miracle happened and the person healed...

I am looking forward to see our churches talk about it.  Last Sunday night in Fuller Avenue CRC, we had healing service.  The pastors prayed over people. 

The Bible said it, as children of God, we must obey and practice it sometimes.


Rev. Mitogo Opira

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