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Tim Postuma on October 25, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

To boost congregational meeting attendance, a few years ago we introduced a 'newspaper' theme where we asked each area of ministry to give us a:

- Headline (from the prior year)
- Forecast (for the next year, also written in a headline format)
- Help Wanted (volunteers or other support needed)

As we walk through each ministry/budget area, we show the Headline, Forecast, and Help Wanted on the screen. Because they're in headline format, it goes quickly. Some of them get really creative, or funny, or poignant. And all give a fun glimpse into what God's been doing among us. I'm not sure it's translated into higher attendance (yet) but it sure makes the meeting more interesting.

I did a few searches here, on the site (which also searches The Banner archives) as well as on and couldn't find any articles about this.

But maybe some other visitors can weigh in with their own thoughts on it...

Tim Postuma on April 23, 2010

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I've used Salesforce a bit, but not as a church membership tool. Interesting idea, especially given all the plugins in the AppExchange. I look forward to hearing more!

Does anyone know of a Church Management System that meets these criteria:

1. Web-based.
2. Allows members to log in (e.g. update profile, giving, email preferences, volunteer signup, etc).
3. Allows members to log in with existing Facebook/Gmail/etc accounts.

I've found a few that meet criteria 1 and 2, but none that meet criteria 3.

Without login via Facebook/Gmail/etc it seems like it would be hard to get members to actually use the system. Nobody wants another login/password to remember.

Any solutions you know of? Or am I making too much of that 3rd criteria?

If she's a high school student there, I'm surprised to hear that she wouldn't be considered a resident - at least for Redeemer's purposes, and likely even from the perspective of Revenue Canada (see

Also, in Googling it I don't see any official status of "temporary visitor". Do you mean "Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)" because, if so, I'd think that's a resident.

Maybe someone can give a more definitive answer, but I hope this at least helps with a couple of extra avenues to check into. Can anyone shed more light on this?

Tim Postuma on October 1, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I'm no expert on these social login systems, but I believe they work by matching email addresses (as you mentioned). So they'll only work if you the church has an email on file for you, and it's the same email as your social login provider (e.g. Facebook, Gmail). So those are requirements, but ones that most members already meet.

As for your #3 (creating a fake social account to gain access to a church) that would be impossible because of email validation. As part of the account creation process on Facebook, for example, I need to verify that I am the rightful owner of that email address by clicking the verification link that's emailed to me. So I can't create a Facebook account using an email address that I don't own.

Social login is becoming very common, especially with tools like JanRain, Gigya, OneAll, etc. making it easier to implement. And I think it's as secure as your Gmail/Facebook account.


Hi Roger - Just search for 'membership transfer' on the CRCNA website ( and the first result is the form you're looking for. It's available through Faith Alive as a free download (or as a hard copy).

How do you ask people? Previously, our council just sent out letters and most people said 'no'. Several years ago we switched to a method where we ask fewer people, but we ask in person.

Active elders/deacons set up conversations with the nominees to personally deliver the letter, discuss the call, answer questions, talk about their giftedness, discuss any reservations they have, and to pray for God's leading as they consider the call. It takes time, but we've found them to be meaningful conversations and a more effective method than what we were doing before.

Tim Postuma on April 24, 2013

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Jerry - FYI, the church order commentary is on sale right now through Faith Alive (about 30% off). Here's the link to it. A great resource, and proceeds go to a good cause (i.e. our denomination's publishing efforts).

Paul - What is their objection to switching to all grape juice? I'm trying to think of one, and drawing a blank. Going with all-juice seems like the best solution, but maybe that's just because it's what I'm used to from my own church.

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