Chris Pullenayegem
I'm a serious Christ-follower passionate about using all that God has given and blessed me with to help other believers realize their fullest God given potential. I am originally from Sri Lanka but now reside with my family in Toronto, Canada. My academic background is in law and psychology but my work experience has taken me into many areas including business, not-for-profit and government. I presently minister as Director of the Leadership Exchange of the CRCNA and am deeply interested and committed to doing my part in raising leaders who have the character ...
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Great stuff. Thank you for taking the trouble to write this out. I'll take a longer look and see how we may develop something simple that can be used by a local church.
BTW hHave you read this article by Alan Hirsch? Lots of overlap with what you're articulating. They have what is called the APEST test as well.
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Tks Mark, it's a good question and I'm glad you asked. The reason it wasn't mentioned is because there is an underlying assumption that our Christian character and competence is informed and guided by our theological premise. Theological education is important but I would insert a caveat here; it must not just remain in the "head"; a mere academic pursuit. And this education may be gained from different sources at various levels, depending on how it isto be used. Hope that sheds some light. Glad to have a further conversation.
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Dear Jack, I'm so glad you mentioned this and took the time to write. this is exactly our position and philosophy and if you see our web site.( you'll see a special section dedicated to disciple making and what we have termed the 1:1 challenge. So Amen and amen. We need more p[eople and especially pastors like you to talk and walk this talk. Then we will see change; the kind we so desire.
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Daniel, tks for your comments and contribution. Right on, I say. You (and others in this thread) have brought up two critical areas of leadership dev, those we are actively trying to establish as a practice and grow as a culture. Disciple-making and equipping the laity. These are paradigm shifts that need to happen for our denom to grow, flourish and break the shackles that bind it. One of our strategies is to develop a data base of people like you so that we can begin to develop a groundswell of like minded persons who would speak into this (and live it of course). Would you mind sending me your contact details so we can keep it on record? You may email me at
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Dear John,
Hope you see my response to Daniel. Your comments are spot on too and like I asked Daniel, would you send me your contact details pls? Tks
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Tks Joy. Here's an article I pulled from our web site which re-iterates what you say. Enjoy.
Posted in: Developing Christian Leaders - Necessity or Afterthought?
Tks Joy. Here's an article I pulled from our web site which re-iterates what you say. Enjoy.