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Reggie,  Thanks for sharing your story.  I don't read the articles very much but for some reason I read this one.  I appreciate how God spoke to you and your willingness to listen.  I sometimes wonder how often God has spoken to me and I didn't listen or didn't even hear his voice and missed out on what could have been.....



I was touched by this article.  Thank you to those who spend their time helping people through such a gut wrenching decision.  I appreciate the comments about what it means to her to be pro-life. 

Thank you for pointing out the sin of pride so many of us Christian Reformers suffer from.  Can you imagine what Jesus would say when pride/reputation trumps the life of one of His kids.  I think he would respond as He so often did to the Pharisee's.  So glad we all have something called Grace available to us.  May God have mercy on us all.


Bob Brasser

I have a little different thought on this:  If a church is declining there tends to be a problem:  not necesarily the pastor, leadership or members individually but as a group.  In many cases it is a spiritual issue - something we should satan's delight - Satan loves to see a declining church. 

I think that if a church is declining we ought to work to make changes to the declining church rather than trying to infiltrate the church building with a new church plant.  The leadership and pastors need to have the confidence and spiritual maturity to make changes that will cause the church to grow.  Not for growths sake but for God's sake.

I do not know the demographics of the declining churches in the denomination but we see articles about where are our kids going to church or why do we have to sing the 7 11 praise songs (singing 7 lines 11 times) etc etc.

Instead let's focus on preaching the word of God and having our churches live out that word of God everyday to each other our community and world. 

If I complained about the things I disagree with or do not like in my church I would become quite bitter quickly.  As I realize that our church would be declining quickly if I tried to make it Bob's church rather than remember it is God's church.  God's church - a God who is God to the young and old, contemporary and traditional and even republicans and democrats.

The key to remember is that churches are filled with sinners and therefore there will be challenges we have to face but we need to  recognize that God's work continues inspite of our shortfalls and we need to cover our churches with PRAYER - I cannot say declinging churches do not pray but it is the key ingredient in all aspects of the church body. 

I think churches look at growth and numbers and get concerned about how to get more kids in their Wed. night program etc. etc.  This is not the issue - the key is to show God's love to those that come through the doors.  As an example, we so often greet people who come on time - but as soon as the service begins the greeters head into the service,  Afterwards many churches have the pastor or elders greet people as they leave after the service. In my opinion the people that need to be greeted the most are those that come in late and then leave during the last song - they may be the ones that are hurting the most and need a friendly smile or a gentle touch to show God's love.

I do not have the answer for what specifics need to occur but I do believe that whether a church is traditional, contemporary, conservative, liberal, young or old or somewhere in between that if the word of God is Preached and the members of the church show the love of God to those walking through the door and those they meet throughout the week the church will become a magnet for fellow Christians and non-Christians who crave to feel the love of God in the place we call CHURCH.  


I used the word infiltrate in that ithe members of a declining church know they are in decline (at least I would hope so) and they may feel that there is a new group coming in to their space with hopes to "overtake" the declining church. My ultimate hope is that the declining church would have the opportunity to make changes - maybe a good word is re-create - their church and welcome new families and grow that way rather than have two churches in one building - I love to see churches where the young and old come together as one united family of Christ recognizing their differences but embracing their unity in Christ. Good topic of discussion. BOb


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