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Thank you so much Kelly for your courage in sharing your story - I applaud you and am truly grateful. Thanks to for the helpful "summary of the facts" of sexual abuse against men. This story is so important for us to truly hear. I would invite us to look out over our congregations, 1 in 6 ... What are we doing about this, as the church? What message is sent by our silence? Lord, have mercy on your people.


Thanks Mark. Direct, and indirect ministry is a helpful distinction to keep in mind. I often tell our safe church team members that they are the ones "on the front lines" doing the real work of safe church ministry, and it's true - it can't happen any other way. I often miss my time on the "front lines" leading support groups for survivors, doing inner healing prayer ministry and seeing God show up in the most amazing ways. Denominational work can seem a bit boring by comparison. Yet there is rarely a dull moment in my work here either; it often takes more than all my resources, driving me to my knees to wrestle with the Lord in prayer. And thankfully, I've seen God work here too, even in the denominational headquarters! (of all places) It takes all of us working together, in the places where we are called, on many different levels. Then together we can rejoice as we begin to realize to a greater degree God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Thank you Miriam for helping us think through lessons we can all learn from the experiences of Willow Creek. I'm sure the Church will be learning lessons from this experience for many years to come. I'll pray that we, here in the CRC, take these learnings to heart.

Yes, the denomination is us, all of us - each and every part working together and learning from each other. Sounds a lot like the Body of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 12 - and don't forget, chapter 13, without love ...)

Posted in: Ob Scenus

A training is coming up April 11-13, 2019 at Willoughby CRC in Langley, BC. Find out more here! Our prayer is that many more churches will begin using restorative practices, which help us to engage with one another respectfully whether we agree or disagree.

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