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The lack of interest iof people who can’t communicate in a “ normal” way or participate in “ normal” activities is my biggest barrier! I have plenty to say and receive but few to actually commune with! I understand why because I was Normal once! I have learned to rely on the Lord and create my on small world! 

Thx Eric, I might take you up on that offer. I so use to going it alone I not sure how anymore. It’s also difficult for me to type and concentrate for extended periods! Aka 5 min! Lol


  You are right this is about perspecitives. I would not be so quick to judge these efforts when they orginate out a God driven desire in hearts of those participating. I know you mean well in your caution about political agenda's  being the driving factor.

   John,  I know that is not true in my case and others I  have talked too. The Christians that you refer too believe in all kinds of public involvment because of God leads them. You could not do this stuff of community involvement for multiple issue's with a attitude of I hope this makes some Christians angry. It is kind of cart before the horse thing.


Hi John,  

   I am a little abstract at times, forgive me because I mean well. What I was trying to say some Christians look at the advocacy of the type your concerned about, in different context because of the way they feel driven by God. Other people have a completely different approach. We have to be open minded to varies ways to represent Jesus.Ken


  Got it John. I see things a little different. I do appreciate your comments on not knowing the facts. We all are guilty of that at times.  If leadership feels this way maybe there is a good Biblical reason and not because they have some social agenda.  John , WCRC has a lot of smart people too and I am sure they entertain other methods  to help people in working poverty. They might think this is the most cost effective way to help.


Unfortunately, a lot of people look at disability insurance and rights as a entitlement! Especially in this political environment! It’s on the docate for this year according to Paul Ryan. Along with Social security and Medicaid!


  I do not want to judge Mr. Gladen, But I do not agree with these kind of approaches to classify human behavior. They fall short because we are all profoundly unique. It also assumes a arbitrary standard of behavior.   For instance, when someone is at the survival level, who are we to judge what the correct reaction is or what the Spirit driven emotional response should be to what ever the hurdle in life. These types of behavioral assessment programs can lead to false judgements because everyone displays some of these traits at different times.

  Leaders should be aware of the proper response to a tough small group situation but not assume that is who the person is. Small groups are a unique social environment that bring out behaviors that are unique.

  The author no doubt has good intentions but the proper way is to treat each situation in the meeting at face value without the judgements.


No problem Scott, The "demands of parenting"  is pretty subjective. Scott ,I  would use it to describe discipline required to raise children in a constantly changing environment . The calling of raising your children is extremely important.


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