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Don't want to throw a wrench into the works, however, serving on council also means sitting on a board of an incorporated NGO. State/Provincial legislation in this area usually requires one to be of legal voting age. 

Consequently, the denomination needs to separate the matter of "profession of faith" from "membership in a society", i.e. church as a legal entity.

Maybe it's also about bringing our cultural freight into the process without asking whether the "communion of the saints" requires a counter cultural stance, i.e. being in the world, but not of the world. Are we molding the church to conform to the cultural values of the world we live in?

It is always difficult to obtain meaningful written commentary. Also, it is important to focus building on strengths and developing weaknesses. Below is an amended and shorten version of Calvin Seminary's evaluation form that has been used in our Elder meetings.

Sermon Response Form: Please fill out while your memory is still fresh


Sermon Text: _______________________            Date: _______________________Sermon Title: _______________________            Pastor: _______________________



1=Excellent  2=Very Good  3=Good  4=Average  5=Poor


1.   Head: Was the passage explained well?

  • The sermon helped me understand the text better:

             1                 2                 3                 4                 5

  • The sermon revealed how God is at work in the text:

             1                 2                 3                 4                 5

The key message(s) I got from this sermon was:



Suggestions for improvement:



2.   Heart:  Did the message help me experience God?

  • Through this sermon God strengthened the hope that He is active in our lives every day:

1                 2                 3                 4                 5

  • The sermon communicated God’s grace in a way that reached out to unbelievers, or those unfamiliar with the Christian faith:

1                 2                 3                 4                 5

The sermon made me feel closer to God because:



Suggestions for improvement:



3.   Hands:  Did the message call me to an appropriate life-response?

  • The sermon made a connection between the biblical world and our current situation:

1                 2                 3                 4                 5

  • The sermon provided practical examples/advice:

1                 2                 3                 4                 5

The sermon challenged me to:



Suggestions for improvement:



4.   Liturgy: Did the worship service and sermon delivery bring you into the presence of God?

  • The worship service was unified in the selection of songs/hymns, litanies, prayers, etc.:

1                 2                 3                 4                 5

  • The sermon was easy to follow (it had a recognizable beginning, middle, and end):

1                 2                 3                 4                 5

Suggestions for improvement:


Interesting question. Concur on the 3 points, however, wonder at times whether the church is speaking into a vacuum to an ahistorical audience that has lost it's counter cultural bearings. Currently reading Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old-Fashioned Way by J.I. Packer & Gary A. Parrett. Recommend it.  

Can a democratic multicultural societies exist without embedding civic virtues as "tolerance" or "pluralism" into the socio-political fabric?

The article above raises concerns about reopening the door to the Constantinian theocratic state and colonial imperialism in missions by framing the question this way. It is unnecessary. 


I’ve had an opportunity to review the 2022 report and have 2 questions:

Pensions: Did the per member cost decrease from $37.20 from $42.96 and with the base starting at $7,704 for 207 members rather than $9,840 for 229 members, or are the former numbers for the USA Pension Plan?

Total Cash Salary: Why is the quartile chart 2022 the same as the one for 2021?

Yours in Christ,



Lubbert van der Laan, Clerk, Council, 

Trinity Christian Reformed Church

Hi Majorie...

Since I prepare an annual compensation report, it would be helpful to understand the rationale for aligning the Canadian pension assessment with the US assessment to when the report is presented at the Personnel Committee and Council.

Secondly, I would appreciate if the 2021 Quartile Salary Chart in the Report be updated to include the 2022 data. The information is pertinent as guideline to reviewing the pastor's salary grid, but more so as the church starts a recruitment process due to a retirement. Can I be emailed the data?

Hi Sean...

Though I can appreciate the points regarding process, but process becomes problematic when one assumes everyone is working with the same underlying premises e.g. those on either end of the political spectrum. Process falls apart there are two quite separate religious worldviews at play within the Christian community, similar to engaging in ecumenical dialogue between Buddhists and Jews. 

The question "should that negate us from singing their theologically sound songs" is a legitimate question. Though the article raises some important questions, it also implies a "guilt by association" theory that does not stand up to biblical notions of justice. The article could do with more discernment.

If Brian Houston, or Carl Lenz, are guilty of financial or sexual abuse does this mean that song writers, singers and the fellowships at Hillsong churches are complicit participants in their inappropriate actions? 

Secondly, does unsound doctrine on the part of some, or even a denomination, mean the song is thereby scripturally unsound?

For Canadian churches one first needs to take into consideration whether the church is incorporated provincially, as the name change registration process needs to start there. The process may vary by provincial registry. The second step is to advise CRA of the name change with respect to charitable status.

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