Our small group is enjoying the book by Lois Tverberg called, Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus. As her teacher Ray VanderLaan does, she challenges us with new insights into the words and work of Jesus by understanding his Jewish world.
Thank you for this. I discovered in studying Psalms that the words in Scripture naming our emotions can refer either to the feeling or to the action based on the feeling. And when Scripture instructs us not to have the emotion, it is talking about the action not about the feeling [about getting revenge not about feeling angry]. It was liberating for me to discover and psychologically healthy. Emotions are morally neutral, but they can be dangerous because acting on them is often almost automatic.
I really like the way you say it: ". . . what if we were able to receive those emotions as simply information to process?"
I have discovered that telling them all to God is a good way to interrupt the adrenalin rush and find time to process them.
Posted in: Suggestions for Adult Bible Study?
Our small group is enjoying the book by Lois Tverberg called, Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus. As her teacher Ray VanderLaan does, she challenges us with new insights into the words and work of Jesus by understanding his Jewish world.
Posted in: Transforming Your Emotions
Deb Koster,
Thank you for this. I discovered in studying Psalms that the words in Scripture naming our emotions can refer either to the feeling or to the action based on the feeling. And when Scripture instructs us not to have the emotion, it is talking about the action not about the feeling [about getting revenge not about feeling angry]. It was liberating for me to discover and psychologically healthy. Emotions are morally neutral, but they can be dangerous because acting on them is often almost automatic.
I really like the way you say it: ". . . what if we were able to receive those emotions as simply information to process?"
I have discovered that telling them all to God is a good way to interrupt the adrenalin rush and find time to process them.
Posted in: The Regional Pastor’s Bookshelf: On a Journey
Great books on spiritual growth. Thanks for posting these reviews. Makes me want to read them again.