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One of the most baffling comments to me is: "You are such a strong person, the LORD knew who to give this child to".

Not all handicapped children are well taken care off - such as the father who sold his mentally handicapped daughter as a prostitute for extra money.

I think some platitudes are dished out because we try to live in a perfect world and create the perfect family. The imperfect are shied away from. For some families it is more than planning to go to Italy and ending up in Holland instead. You get on the plane, all appropriate preparations made and suitcases packed. Somewhere during the flight parachutes are shoved at you and you get thrown out - despite a deathly fear of heights. You land in a blizzard, somewhere .... struggling for breath, checking - no broken bones! And you ask why? You always look for the black box with answers - but the plane is long gone, and the only answer you end up with is "I don't know". And you struggle and learn to survive in this unknown landscape.

Am I a noticeably stronger person than the average? I don't think so. I am a mother and wife, part of a family with a father, mother and two daughters - one of whom is exceptionally bright and one whom I could only look after for a short while before she went Home again. This does not make me any more or any less conspicuous than any one else.

And on this journey I have marveled at new-found beauty, I have wept in secret places and I have remained silent in the presence of the Almighty.

God bless, Anje



Posted in: Semper Gumby

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