Jane Meulink
Baptized Jane Ellen Hoving at Archer Avenue CRC in Chicago Married to Ken Meulink for 42 years. Three daughters, three son-in-laws. Three granddaughters , three grandsons. Member of the CRC of Western Springs since 1964. Registered nurse for 34 years. Crossroads Ministry mentor.
Posted in: What can be done about the high turnover rate for elders and deacons?
I think it is imperative that newly elected elders and deacons undergo orientation and training. Seasoned veterans should attend continuing education classes.
In addition, all church meetings should follow parliamentary procedure. I think consistory work would be less frustrating if meetings had clear goals and objectives. Otherwise meetings dissolve into soap box complaints, bickering, and hurt feelings.
Posted in: Giveaway Time! Just Say "Hi" and Be Entered to Win Best-Selling Book
Hi! I enjoy these posts very much.
Posted in: Worship Songs: Current Favorites?
Holy God We Praise Your Name
Here is Love
Posted in: VBS? Make Safety Part of the Plan!
Be sure all volunteers, adults and teenagers alike, understand the church's abuse prevention policy and how to implement it in the VBS setting. The parents of these children trust us with their children. It is our comission to keep VBS a safe environment for all participants.
Posted in: In Memory of My Friend, Nella Uitvlugt
Thank you for writing this. Nella was my husband's aunt and our friend. We miss her so much.