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"Along with an application, an interview, and reference checks, a criminal background check should be part of the screening process, especially for those who work with children, youth, and vulnerable populations."

Nope, not necessarily.  Your use of the word "should" here is inappropriate.  You don't know our people.  We do.  You are not in a position to tell us what we "should" be doing to vet the various members of the church for roles of service.  This is not a helpful approach. 

I'm not ignorant of broad stats, but also realize that people aren't statistics. 

I didn't say that your position grants you no influence, I merely stated that you are not well positioned to tell every church what they *should* be doing in regards to their people serving in the church. 

Should: used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness

To say that you know what churches *should* be doing in this regard is to say that those churches who are not are not living up their obligation, their duty, and are doing things incorrectly.  Simply put, you can't make that judgment.

Put another way, Eric, your language assumes *authority*, not *influence*.  Should is generally understood as authoritative language, the language of imperative.   That is authority that you do not have over the local church council. 

Hi Frank,

Thanks for asking.  I’m glad to give further insight into my thoughts on the matter.  As you begin by revealing part of your story (abuse survivor), allow me to begin by saying that my prayer for you is that God has granted and will continue to grant you healing and peace - the kind which the world cannot offer.  Only our Savior, who knew abuse and suffering like no other, can ultimately offer the healing balm that lasts and makes whole the wounded soul. 

I should begin by noting that my comments here have not been primarily a pushback on background checks, per se.  You’ll see that my initial and follow-up pushback was aimed mainly at the paternalistic tendency of the Safe Church office, which is a subset of the larger paternalistic tendency among CRC agencies and staff.  As I noted to Eric, he is really in no position to tell my local church council what they should or should not do in regards to the pastoral care of their congregation, yet he has assumed the role of doing so.  He has neither the intimate knowledge nor the authority to coherently do so, and his denominational employment does not make him automatically qualified.  As office bearers in the church, we answer to the head of the church, Jesus Christ, for our care of the congregation, not to Grand Rapids.  And you’ll notice that criminal background checks are conspicuously absent from 1Timothy 3 and Titus 1.  If Eric had simply offered resources or thoughts on criminal background checks, you would have read no response from me, but he went further.  And that additional distance he went is in keeping with a larger pattern that I think is worth pushing back against, for the health and unity of the church. 

Secondly, it is worth noting that Eric deftly illustrates another besetting flaw of many agency staff in his response, that of patronization.  The first reaction of many agency staff when challenged is to position themselves as the teacher, with whomever their respondent is being the student in need of education.  So, Eric goes immediately to the de facto response of so many agency staff: point to some inane statistic or study, as if that settles the matter.  As I noted to Eric: people aren’t statistics, and proper pastoral care is not beholden to any set of numbers.  To make the matter personal, the question of whether or not my 16 year old daughter should be subjected to an application, interview, reference checks, and a criminal background check before serving in the church nursery is not a question to be answered by any statistic, nor entrusted to denominational staff.  That is a question to be answered by my church council, the members of which have also not undergone a criminal background check, yet have been entrusted with the spiritual care of the church. 

As to criminal background checks in and of themselves, they are simply a tool, which like all tools can be wielded for good or for ill.  Also like all tools, there is a time to avail oneself of the use of a criminal background check, and a time to refrain.  Such judgments require wisdom and discretion, the likes of which can only be properly exercised in close relationship with people.  That is a closeness that agencies don’t possess, yet elders must possess.  When Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:16 to “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”, he does not say how that will look in any or all situations.  Sometimes the shrewdness demanded in that command will result in use of such a tool, sometimes not.  Therein lies the problem in receiving moral or practical absolutes from detached agency staff.  I have no doubt as to the pure and honorable intentions of Eric Kas, but that does not mean that he or his agency are always going to make decisions or pronouncements that are healthy for the church. 

Thanks again for interacting.  God bless you. 


Hi Frank,

Thank you for your response.  I too value dialogue – iron sharpening iron. 

I respect and honor the decisions made in your local church in this arena.  That is in keeping with the thrust of my interaction here.  I have no interest in attempting to dissuade you from your convictions in that respect.  A couple follow-up notes:

1) It seems as though the reasoning that you proffer could quite consistently be applied to mandatory criminal background checks for the whole congregation and all visitors.  After all, can we really know who is lurking, what their intent is, and when/how they might attempt an assault?  Don’t all of our members come into contact with children and other potential victims?  Now, you may think this unpastoral and unnecessary.  But suppose for a moment that someone from outside your church, perhaps a denominational agency, assumed to tell you that you should do this at the local level.  And suppose if you didn’t acquiesce to the protection protocol of the denomination, they threatened to “name and shame” you until you did.  Not so conducive to unity and harmony in the church, it seems to me. 


2)  Switching to a slightly different, but related, topic in order to drive home the point: Imagine with me a denominational agency called Armed Church Ministry.  This agency is equipped with studies, statistics, and stories about mass shootings in places of public gathering and realizes that the common link in most of these shootings is the assailant’s conclusion that he has identified a soft target.  Now, this agency knows how God values human life, and how much grief, destruction, and trauma results from such incidents of violence.  Additionally, this agency takes seriously the recognition in Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 107 that God wants us “to protect [our neighbor] from harm as much as we can.”  In this light, the Armed Church Ministry devises safety protocols under the creative moniker “Armed Church” and begins to encourage churches to adopt the protocols and the moniker.  Over time, encouragement turns to urging, turns to telling churches what they should do, turns to demanding, turns to public shaming for noncompliance.  The protocols are as follows:


-  All churches should have a message on their website and on their visible church sign that they are an Armed Church and that violent offenders should be aware that armed personnel are present at every gathering.

-  All churches should have a metal detector at each entrance. 

-  All visitors should be screened before attending public worship services.

-  All churches should have armed guards who open-carry their weapons, so that violence can be dissuaded.

Initially, there will be some push back, but eventually most will be ok with it.  After violent incidents in public places, we so often hear “I had no idea Johnny was capable of that”. 

I don’t say those things to mock or belittle Safe Church or its staff.  I love each person involved.  I do think that the church can experience mission creep, and I do think that a recurring theme from Grand Rapids is the top-down mentality that we profess to not believe in.  This top-down mentality does not strengthen or vitalize the denomination, but leads to a greater and greater disconnect and loss of unity (witness denominational ministry shares struggles).  This is a real problem in the CRC, and it is evident in numerous arenas.

Hello Jane,

Please call me Eric – no need for the formality.  Thank you for engaging.  I accept your thoughts in the spirit in which you offer them.

It’s not just my impression that Eric was saying what churches “should” do, I reacting to him saying exactly that.  I quoted him – I didn’t just make that up.  

It’s also worth noting that there is a larger context at play here.  The Banner article that I linked in my conversation with Bonnie notes that some Synod delegates said “that in addition to telling the classes and congregations what should happen, synod should use its power to make them happen.”  The article goes on to state the following: “The question kept coming back to what more can synods do. Are they limited to “naming and shaming” or can they in a more direct way enforce Safe Church policies?”  It is in this context that I read Eric’s statement of what churches should be doing. 

I am most pleased that your church has benefited from the work of Safe Church Ministries at its staff – God be praised!  I have not here undertaken to disparage or tear down the Safe Church office, but to defend the autonomy and wisdom of the local church from heavy handed, GR-centric dictates. 

Thanks again for engaging, and I share your desire for God to be glorified in all that we do.

Hello Jane,

I'm not really wanting to belabor the matter any further, but your inquiry is made in good faith, and so I mean to provide clarification in response. 

First, the link that you requested:

Second, note that Eric did not respond with his "I didn't mean it that way" response until very late in the game, well after I had talked about and explained my concern.  His first response to me made no such mention, so there was no way for me to have any idea that he was intending something different than what he said.  He might have done well to simply initially recognize the problematic nature of the language he chose, acknowledge as much, make clarification, and amend his original post.  Seems simple enough if he was more intent on listening to feedback instead of rebuffing me. 

As to semantics, by all means, lets talk about semantics for a bit.  First, some definitions are in order, beginning with a definition of semantics:   "the study of the meanings of words and phrases in language".  Infer: "to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information ".  Should: "to be under necessity or obligation to".    Synonyms for should: "have (to), must, need, ought (to), shall".   (all definitions from Merriam-Webster online - variations are present based on source, but all contain the same core ideas)

To say something is about "semantics" is not properly understood as a way to dismiss the real and actual meanings of words used, but rather it is to delve into what words actually mean.  Yes, it does matter what Eric is quoted as saying.  I did not "infer" the meaning of what Eric said, as if I had to reason my way to a conclusion, because the word "should" has a distinct definition which I have reproduced here.  We reach inferences when things are not directly stated - such was not the case here.  If Eric did not mean to say that, it would have easy for him to correct it, but he chose a different route - first he deflected, and then he denied.  He would have done well to choose his words more carefully, particularly in the climate in which churches are in fact being sent the message that they must (synonym for should) comply with program labeling and content from headquarters or they will be held up for public shame.  This is the very real atmosphere in which Eric is speaking.  If he is wise, he will seek to be pastoral in this atmosphere, and being pastoral also means being able and willing to listen. 


What a wonderful offering!  You have spoken true and comforting words which impacted me intellectually and emotionally.   May God continue to bless you with peace and assurance.


Hi Staci,

First CRC of Prinsburg, MN is holding such a gathering.  Our bulletin announcement reads as follows: 

"A Reformation Celebration will again be held in our church the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 31. Join us for a free barbecue supper from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the church basement. At 6:00 p.m., you are invited to hear the Reformation story as told by Pastor Chris Alle and to sing hymns of the Reformation.  Throughout the evening, there will also be indoor and outdoor activities, snacks and games for kids of all ages as well as an opportunity to throw a “pie-in-a-Council-member’s- face”! Join us for an evening of fun, food and fellowship!"

Last year it was pie in the face of the pastor, and several area pastors were recruited to help bear the burden.  Interestingly, the Pastor helping us out (as we are currently vacant) is Pastor Chris Alle, who was recently featured in this Banner article:

I'll take this opportunity to put in a plug for Crossroads.  They are currently making a push for more mentors.  This is a very worthwhile ministry and tangible way to put into practice what we learn from our Lord in Matthew 25.  We can indeed "visit" prisoners in a very real way through this ministry. 

I would urge all brothers and sisters to prayerfully consider whether God is calling (and equipping!) you to come alongside prisoners as a mentor in the faith, encouraging and helping to sustain them.

Stories are powerful.  We all relate to stories, because we all have a story.  Stories can indeed be useful, but they are only useful insofar as they are illustrative of and normed by what we learn in God’s Word.  Jesus knew the power of story, and he told many of them.  Jesus spoke in parables often, and their impact is felt today.


There is another story told us by God that is worth considering here.  It is the story of the rich ruler.  Interestingly, in Mark 10 we see this story placed immediately after Jesus has affirmed God’s created order and intention for marriage when he says in verses 6-8: “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’  ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”


In the story of the rich ruler, we see that Jesus knew the heart of the ruler, and Jesus hits the ruler where it hurts him the most, by telling him to give up that which he holds most dear.  And why did Jesus do this?  Verse 21 says “And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him…”  Jesus loved him enough to skewer his sense of self-righteousness and to demand complete devotion from him.  His riches defined him, and he could not think of leaving them behind.  What do we hold onto that we are unwilling to give up for Christ?  What does it mean to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily?  What does it mean to find our righteousness and identity only in Christ? 


We do well to listen to each other’s stories, and to listen with a sympathetic/empathetic ear.  I read the (thus far revealed) story offered by Jim Lucas on his website.  When I read it I was cut to the heart.  I read of Jim’s “fear of being scorned and rejected”, of his feeling “ashamed and isolated.”  I read of Jim experiencing a “downward spiral of anxiety and depression.”  I read of Jim having “suicidal thoughts.”  Who among us is so cold-hearted as to be unaffected by this?  When I read these things, I yearn for Jim’s wholeness, for his peace, and for his comfort.  As I read, I longed to walk alongside Jim and bear his burdens with him. 


I also have listened to other stories.  I read the story of Rosaria Butterfield.  She too has a story.  I have read the story of Jackie Hill Perry.  She too has a story.  These are the stories of the Christian life.  They are repeated untold times throughout history by homosexual and heterosexual alike.  They are the stories of struggle and victory in Christ.  They are the same story as that of the Apostle Paul: the struggle against the flesh and everything that used to define us before life in Christ.  We need not fear stories, for we all live a story, and God tells us the most grand of stories.  It is a story filled with tragedy, yet always and only concluding in victory over sin, death, and the flesh.  Would that my story would be marked by the same victory through Christ despite struggle and sacrifice that is told by Paul, Rosaria, and Jackie.  That is what I long for to be Jim's story as well.  God alone is able to make it so.  And when my story reflects the same grief and anxiety reflected in Jim’s story, may the body of Christ be near to offer support, affirmation of God’s love, and the hope of the transformative power of the gospel.  

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